Score Release – January & February 2014 (NASBA) - Page 200

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    remember when scores for the extended window in Q4 last year released TWO days before A71's predictions (THREE days before official date)?

    i won't hold my breath, cause i mean extended window, less test takers, it was before the holidays every wants to finish early, etc, etc, etc……

    but that was super sweet……… just saying..


    @angryfly, I was in that score release! It was such an awesome surprise. I doubt that will happen for a normal testing window, but it's a nice thought!

    AUD-88 5/24/13
    BEC-86 12/2/13
    FAR-77 1/31/14
    REG-88 2/27/14 --> Done!!!


    @angryfly, I was in that score release! It was such an awesome surprise. I doubt that will happen for a normal testing window, but it's a nice thought!

    AUD-88 5/24/13
    BEC-86 12/2/13
    FAR-77 1/31/14
    REG-88 2/27/14 --> Done!!!


    Thanks angryfly! Now I'm going to be F5ing it all night 😉


    Thanks angryfly! Now I'm going to be F5ing it all night 😉


    haha. mea culpa, did not mean to feed the F5 frenzy!


    haha. mea culpa, did not mean to feed the F5 frenzy!


    I don't know if I should look at my score at work… part of me just wants to hit “print page” without scrolling down to actually see the score .. grab it off the printer…. take a walk to my car…. then view my destiny…….

    REG [75] 02.27.13(1)
    AUD [82] 04.15.13(1)
    BEC [79] 05.29.13(1)
    FAR [62] 08.26.13(1) [76] 02.24.14(2) - God is able!!! 🙂

    Licensed NC CPA


    I don't know if I should look at my score at work… part of me just wants to hit “print page” without scrolling down to actually see the score .. grab it off the printer…. take a walk to my car…. then view my destiny…….

    REG [75] 02.27.13(1)
    AUD [82] 04.15.13(1)
    BEC [79] 05.29.13(1)
    FAR [62] 08.26.13(1) [76] 02.24.14(2) - God is able!!! 🙂

    Licensed NC CPA


    I was just thinking earlier about my incessant need to check my score, and then I wondered..what would I do if it actually showed up. I think i'd faint

    AUD - 65, 89!
    REG - 70, 89!
    FAR - 78!
    BEC - 77!

    Experience 06/30/15

    VA Licensed 09/15/15


    I was just thinking earlier about my incessant need to check my score, and then I wondered..what would I do if it actually showed up. I think i'd faint

    AUD - 65, 89!
    REG - 70, 89!
    FAR - 78!
    BEC - 77!

    Experience 06/30/15

    VA Licensed 09/15/15


    rvcpa – for my FAR, first I nailed the research question. Then I completed two sims with confidence, one half way and the rest blank. I thought I failed for sure. I keep forgetting the scores are based on relative performance not absolute.

    REG - 02/2013 - 86
    AUD - 05/2013 - 78
    FAR - 11/2013 - 82
    BEC - 02/2014 - 73, 4/2014 - 79


    rvcpa – for my FAR, first I nailed the research question. Then I completed two sims with confidence, one half way and the rest blank. I thought I failed for sure. I keep forgetting the scores are based on relative performance not absolute.

    REG - 02/2013 - 86
    AUD - 05/2013 - 78
    FAR - 11/2013 - 82
    BEC - 02/2014 - 73, 4/2014 - 79


    Can anybody say when will my scores release If I gave my exam on Feb 28, 2014? The reason why I'm asking is Feb 28th was a Friday and the score release timeline shows if received by March 1 midnight(March 1 being saturday), scores will be released on 10th else its 18th. So just curious if it will be 10th or 18th of march!!

    FAR-02/12/2014-77!! DONE
    AUD-02/28/2014-80!! DONE
    REG-04/30/2014-83!! DONE
    BEC-08/12/2015-77!! DONE


    Can anybody say when will my scores release If I gave my exam on Feb 28, 2014? The reason why I'm asking is Feb 28th was a Friday and the score release timeline shows if received by March 1 midnight(March 1 being saturday), scores will be released on 10th else its 18th. So just curious if it will be 10th or 18th of march!!

    FAR-02/12/2014-77!! DONE
    AUD-02/28/2014-80!! DONE
    REG-04/30/2014-83!! DONE
    BEC-08/12/2015-77!! DONE

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