I've followed this site for a while but I just joined as a member to post.
I took my last section on 2/28. finished around 4:45pm. I'm hoping to find out on the 7th. I don't know what to do with myself in the interim. Do I continue to do some practice questions to keep it fresh in my mind or do I just enjoy this week off and continue the waiting game?
I don't feel great about FAR, but truthfully, I've never felt great following any of these exams I've taken. The MC was not that bad. The Sims were very difficult. I wrote a comment following the test that I felt the Simulations were much more difficult than the Sample Test provided by the AICPA (I'm sure they don't care about our comments or concerns but I felt it was necessary to point it out to them).
BEC - 75
REG - 77
AUD - 83
FAR - 2/28 (waiting game)