Score Release – January & February 2014 (NASBA) - Page 199

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    I've followed this site for a while but I just joined as a member to post.

    I took my last section on 2/28. finished around 4:45pm. I'm hoping to find out on the 7th. I don't know what to do with myself in the interim. Do I continue to do some practice questions to keep it fresh in my mind or do I just enjoy this week off and continue the waiting game?

    I don't feel great about FAR, but truthfully, I've never felt great following any of these exams I've taken. The MC was not that bad. The Sims were very difficult. I wrote a comment following the test that I felt the Simulations were much more difficult than the Sample Test provided by the AICPA (I'm sure they don't care about our comments or concerns but I felt it was necessary to point it out to them).

    BEC - 75
    REG - 77
    AUD - 83
    FAR - 2/28 (waiting game)


    I've followed this site for a while but I just joined as a member to post.

    I took my last section on 2/28. finished around 4:45pm. I'm hoping to find out on the 7th. I don't know what to do with myself in the interim. Do I continue to do some practice questions to keep it fresh in my mind or do I just enjoy this week off and continue the waiting game?

    I don't feel great about FAR, but truthfully, I've never felt great following any of these exams I've taken. The MC was not that bad. The Sims were very difficult. I wrote a comment following the test that I felt the Simulations were much more difficult than the Sample Test provided by the AICPA (I'm sure they don't care about our comments or concerns but I felt it was necessary to point it out to them).

    BEC - 75
    REG - 77
    AUD - 83
    FAR - 2/28 (waiting game)


    @mcs24yanks. I felt the same way about FAR. The MC were ok but I left more then half the sims blank. I was able to nail the research question though.

    Myself, I am trying to enjoy the week. No CPA Exam studying for me. I'm hoping I can clean my work area of all this Becker stuff. They are very distracting right about now.

    REG - 02/2013 - 86
    AUD - 05/2013 - 78
    FAR - 11/2013 - 82
    BEC - 02/2014 - 73, 4/2014 - 79


    @mcs24yanks. I felt the same way about FAR. The MC were ok but I left more then half the sims blank. I was able to nail the research question though.

    Myself, I am trying to enjoy the week. No CPA Exam studying for me. I'm hoping I can clean my work area of all this Becker stuff. They are very distracting right about now.

    REG - 02/2013 - 86
    AUD - 05/2013 - 78
    FAR - 11/2013 - 82
    BEC - 02/2014 - 73, 4/2014 - 79


    I am having a headache some sort of migraine just thinking about Friday. I don't know how to distract myself. I decided to study for ethics, I did and passed exam immediately. Now I am back to being scared and sick from waiting. Last time I threw away all my FAR study materials then I failed. This time, I have kept them. FAR is my last section…

    I am going crazy right now. Any ideas on how to distract myself will be great..


    I am having a headache some sort of migraine just thinking about Friday. I don't know how to distract myself. I decided to study for ethics, I did and passed exam immediately. Now I am back to being scared and sick from waiting. Last time I threw away all my FAR study materials then I failed. This time, I have kept them. FAR is my last section…

    I am going crazy right now. Any ideas on how to distract myself will be great..


    I am having a headache some sort of migraine just thinking about Friday. I don't know how to distract myself. I decided to study for ethics, I did and passed exam immediately. Now I am back to being scared and sick from waiting. Last time I threw away all my FAR study materials then I failed. This time, I have kept them. FAR is my last section…

    I am going crazy right now. Any ideas on how to distract myself will be great..


    I am having a headache some sort of migraine just thinking about Friday. I don't know how to distract myself. I decided to study for ethics, I did and passed exam immediately. Now I am back to being scared and sick from waiting. Last time I threw away all my FAR study materials then I failed. This time, I have kept them. FAR is my last section…

    I am going crazy right now. Any ideas on how to distract myself will be great..


    @KRina, I went ahead and took my Ethics self-study test, also. I thought it might take a couple of days to read and study, but I knocked it out in just a couple of hours. Now back to waiting…

    REG is my final exam, but after only a month of studying, I am not feeling very optimistic about my score. I almost feel like I should be continuing to study, but I'll give myself a break this week ;o)

    AUD-88 5/24/13
    BEC-86 12/2/13
    FAR-77 1/31/14
    REG-88 2/27/14 --> Done!!!


    @KRina, I went ahead and took my Ethics self-study test, also. I thought it might take a couple of days to read and study, but I knocked it out in just a couple of hours. Now back to waiting…

    REG is my final exam, but after only a month of studying, I am not feeling very optimistic about my score. I almost feel like I should be continuing to study, but I'll give myself a break this week ;o)

    AUD-88 5/24/13
    BEC-86 12/2/13
    FAR-77 1/31/14
    REG-88 2/27/14 --> Done!!!


    WorkEthic- how many sims did you answer? feel confident about?


    WorkEthic- how many sims did you answer? feel confident about?


    Just had some Chinese to take my mind of score release. My fortune reads as follows. “Ideas you believe are absurd ultimately lead to success!”


    Just had some Chinese to take my mind of score release. My fortune reads as follows. “Ideas you believe are absurd ultimately lead to success!”


    remember when scores for the extended window in Q4 last year released TWO days before A71's predictions (THREE days before official date)?

    i won't hold my breath, cause i mean extended window, less test takers, it was before the holidays every wants to finish early, etc, etc, etc……

    but that was super sweet……… just saying..

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