CPA Exam Score Release Q4 2014 (NASBA) - Page 175

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  • #189187
    AICPA Target Date
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    October 1 – 20
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    October 21 – November 14
    November 24

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    November 15 – November 30
    December 9

    December 8

    Note: The NINJA Date is a perfect 9 for 9 in 2014.

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  • #641710

    Just saw my REG score ~~ ITS 84~~~~I couldn't happier ~~~~

    After 3 subsequent failed… I almost gave-up…

    This pass mean sooooooo much for me to face the next battle!!!

    To all friends here with good news, congratulation, good luck for your next step!!

    And all friends here who need another shot, I am here with you.

    Never give up!!!!!!!


    Just checked my score

    11/17 REG – 94

    11/30 BEC – 92

    I'm really happy and a little bit surprised. 2 weeks study for REG and 1 week for BEC. Didn't feel that great based on exam experience.

    FAR (4/14/14) - 97
    REG (11/17/14) - 94
    BEC (11/30/14) - 92
    AUD (2/28/15) - 99


    BEC 73 🙁 UGH I could have been done! This is hard.


    @CPAMommyof3 Thank you so much for your advise. Yes exactly it is always between two answers, when I reached the third testlet I lost motivation because I did not see the number of lines in the question increasing and most questions where one or two lines. I thought that meant that I was in moderate level and was doing badly so I just wanted to get the exam over with and leave. If I concentrated maybe I my score could be in the 70s. I am not giving up and will double my effort and hopefully pass on my second time.


    My third testlet had one or two liners as well if I remember correctly. Don't let that discourage you. Harder for the AICPA may not be harder for you. It's all relative. I used every second of my exam time even though I wanted to give up after the first testlet. Don't let this exam play with your mind. You can do it!

    Glad to hear you aren't giving up. You have a great attitude. Keep that throughout this process as much as you can. It will pay off!!


    Well I did it by the skin of my teeth, but I managed to pass BEC the first time with a 76. 🙂 Three Down. FAR to go.

    AUD: 69, 86

    REG: 73, 87

    BEC: 76

    FAR: TBD in April

    AUD: 69, 86
    REG: 73, 87
    BEC: 76
    FAR: 92
    Ethics: 93

    Licensed on June 8, 2015


    4am….PASSED FAR!!!

    I'M DONE!!!



    @Yukkeko and @CPAMommyof3 congrats. Do you have any study advice for the BEC written portion. I feel like my WC's are good but I seem to keep getting less comparable.


    Or anyone else that did well on BEC???? Need help


    @rpull004 I got my score today for BEC, my technique was to focus more on the multiple choice part of the exam as it makes 85% of the grade. However, for the written portion make sure you write in an essay format don't use bullet points or make a list. Just stick with essay format (introduction, body , conclusion) and make sure you use correct grammar and provide technical information and try not to go off topic.

    FAR- 80
    BEC- 81
    REG- 85
    AUD- 77




    It's been a really long time since I took BEC (Aug 2013), but to “study” for them I just read through the practice ones that came with my Kaplan test bank. I didn't actually write any out. I think if you know the topics for the MCQ really well, you know how to write with proper grammer, and you understand the structure of a memo/essay you should be good to go. When I think back to my MBA days I always remember “tell them what you're going to tell them (introduction paragraph), tell them (body), tell them what you already told them (conclusion)”. In the intro you need to repeat the question/topic to lead into your support and then conclude by recapping what you've already stated. Because the initial pass through is graded by the computer and it is only read by a human if you have a borderline score from your MCQ/WC combo then your main focus should be grammar and key words that have to do with the topic you're being questioned on. The computer will pick up on those and it could push you over even if you don't follow the 3 section standard listed above. Knowing the topics for the MCQ really well will help with all of that. Being able to list out as much information about any given topic in essay/memo format is key. I hope that helps.


    81 in Reg. My mommy was right I'm a handsome genius!

    1 more to go back to sleep


    68 on FAR:( I can't catch a break lately. Any advise? I use becker. Is that enough to pass FAR?

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!


    Still celebratino @ 4 in da mornin. Yeager goes straight to my head. Plus wifey had a nice surprise for me too… a kiss ☺ Becuae it was a Yeager bomb with red Bull I don't think I will be sleeping tonight. Too excited and wound up

    FAR- 82
    REG- 93
    AUD- 89
    BEC- 88

    You are smarter, more focused, and more brilliant than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself and truly know in your heart that you can do it.


    I'm sorry THISGIRL. I was rooting for you. I have never used Becker, but I see a lot of people say it is enough to pass all 4 parts. I was able to look at a Becker book for FAR and I didn't like the layout at all. I prefered the Wiley book even though I only read about half of it. I would suggest getting the Ninja MCQ for additional questions. One complaint I have seen about Becker is that people memorize the questions/answers and don't really learn the material. That may be what happened to you. For FAR I went section by section and did all the questions in my test bank for each section, reading every information link/definition/summary and took notes on the ones I got wrong. When I moved on to the next section I would take a short 20-30 question quiz on the prior sections just to stay fresh on them since there is so much material for FAR. I don't think random quizzing helps retain at all, but going through one section at a time reinforces the concepts until you start to learn them. Leave a good two weeks for solid review to really nail down your weak areas. You're never going to remember everything for FAR, but you need to make sure you have a good enough base on all the topics to at least pick up a few points per topic. Don't sleep on government and NFP and practice the SIMS. These two websites might help you with JEs.–fund-based-vs-government-wide

    And this youtube video may help with deferred taxes

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