@CPAmaster–I failed AUD my first time through with a 65. I got an 85 on the retake! This is what I did.
1. I listened to the Ninja Audio every chance I got. It was a godsend for AUD!
2. I got the Ninja notes and rewrote them (combined with my own notes) once before the exam
3. I read the entire Wiley book to get the foundation I needed.
4. I quizzed over and over and over in my test bank and made sure I understood why answers were wrong, not just why the right one was right.
5. I used the AL for every SIM, not just the research ones. You can find entire answers in the AL for AUD.
6. Leave 2 hours for SIMS to give yourself time to search. Practice searching in your test bank, but know that the real exam will have the full literature and most practice test banks do not so don't get discouraged if you aren't able to do much searching while you are studying.
7. Practice the SIMS in your test bank. It's not a good idea to go into the exam without having some practice on SIMS, even though I know there are people that pass without doing a single one for practice.
AUD wording is tricky and the most important thing for AUD is to read the entire question and all the answer choices before making your decision on which one is right. Usually there are two good answers and you have to know which one is MORE right.
While doing the real exam I was miserable. i could always narrow it down to two answers and then had to make an educated guess. I really thought I failed. I cried a lot after that exam and then wound up passing. This exam is tricky and messes with your head. Try not to let it. I know, easier said than done.
Good luck! You can do this!