CPA Exam Score Release Q4 2014 (NASBA) - Page 169

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  • #189187
    AICPA Target Date
    NINJA Date
    October 1 – 20
    November 4

    November 3

    October 21 – November 14
    November 24

    November 21

    November 15 – November 30
    December 9

    December 8

    Note: The NINJA Date is a perfect 9 for 9 in 2014.

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  • #641619

    Thank you so much everyone! There is no way I would have stuck with this if I hadn't found this forum and all of you. You are such a wonderful support system. This is incredible.

    Congrats ComedayCPA2015!!!


    Just wanted to say thank you Jeff Elliott, Ninja notes were a good tool to cram, BEC book was great, FAR I hate but at least your book didn't seem like a foreign language. I still haven't read my Becker books nor sat through the lectures. I used Becker questions, ninja notes, and ninja books. As a single parent working for a CPA firm time is valuable and Ninja cuts through the BS.

    A - Passed
    R - Passed
    B - Passed
    F - Passed


    I really thought I failed REG. My testlets did NOT get harder. I did terrible on my sims. I just felt like there was no way. I feel so lucky tonight.


    I'm sorry Nim and JMOR. I was rooting for you guys. You will defeat these exams. Whether it's one fail, two fail, three fails you will come back stronger and more prepared to kick this exam's butt. I just know it!


    Ray, congrats!


    FAR retake PASSED with a 76! Yeehaw,

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's


    just took a shot of fireball, congrats to all who passed and to those that didn't just keep pushing. I started testing in 2012 and didn't really get serious until Dec 2013, it will happen if you stay with it.

    BEC - 75 (EXPIRED)RETAKE 11/29/14
    REG - PASS 75
    FAR - PASS 89
    AUD - PASS 82


    Well I only woke up like 3 times to check. This last one because I had a dream they were on there. How did I get a 95 in audit? There were literally like 15 I flagged on the first testlet! Weird grading system. But I hate audit so thank god! I was almost certain I failed. And everyone kept reassuring me I passed which only made me feel worse but I guess I was wrong.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Passed BEC 80! in 2 weeks!!!

    Relieved… This was my second time taking the exam as my first credit expired (84 with more than a month)

    I studied BEC 5 & BEC6 for the first time on the day of the exam. Just skimmed through Becker pages. Didn't even complete reading half of either of the chapters coz of the short time i had the day of the exam LOL

    BEC is the most non-serious of the four exams. Really a bunch of crap fitted in one book.

    AUD: 07/19/2012 - Passed! 89
    BEC: 08/26/2012 - Passed! 85
    FAR: 11/08/2012
    REG: 01/07/2013


    I'm getting nuts! I did BEC on Nov 29 ( NH) and still didn't receive my score ( nor on ncd neither on cpacentral), is there any possibility ill receive it today?!!!!

    Ninja Juice

    To those who are seeing their scores..are you doing so by viewing dashboard? where are you veiwing scores??

    I Dont see BEC or Reg grade posted for me yet!!


    Yeah I can't see my BEC score…


    CPAMommy/Mamabear/REGTaker – Congrats! And, thank you for all the quizzing!


    Mine is not up at CPA Central. I got it at


    Congrats to you too Bucky!!! Thank you! I think we pushed and willed each other to pass! Our Brady Bunch children are our inspiration! Twin power! 🙂

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