CPA Exam Score Release Q4 2014 (NASBA) - Page 161

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  • #189187
    AICPA Target Date
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    Note: The NINJA Date is a perfect 9 for 9 in 2014.

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  • #641499

    @mms85.11 – where did you get your score from at that hour? CPA Central, or?

    CA licensed CPA

    AUD - 08/31/13 - 84
    BEC - 11/26/13 - 84
    FAR - 08/10/14 - 85
    REG - 11/30/14 - 72, 02/20/15 - 87

    What have I gotten myself into?


    @pnielson1982. How did u feel about audit when u took it?


    @Egenin89 – I have absolutely no idea how I passed Audit. I called a buddy of mine after the exam and told him that, if I passed, I had absolutely no faith that the CPA exams require that you know anything. It is the only exam I felt really bad after.

    CA licensed CPA

    AUD - 08/31/13 - 84
    BEC - 11/26/13 - 84
    FAR - 08/10/14 - 85
    REG - 11/30/14 - 72, 02/20/15 - 87

    What have I gotten myself into?


    @pnielson. Nice. For reg I felt good about my mc although I checked at home and definitely made quite a few mistakes. And didn't open 3 of the sims!! How I passed, I dont know.


    Just went through this thread – and last time the first people to get there scores got them somewhere between 12am and 12:30 NASBA time on CPA Central. #protip (see pg. 43 if you're bored)

    REG (July 2014) - Pass
    AUD (Aug 2014) - Pass
    FAR - (Nov 2014) - Pass
    BEC - (Dec 2014) - Pass

    Licensed Colorado CPA (February 2015)



    @Egenin89 – well, I hope I get some of that good luck on my REG exam! I felt like the MCQs were easy (which could be good or bad, because either the exam stayed easy or I actually knew the answers). I had one SIM that I had never seen anything on, but the other ones were doable. I'm not saying I did them right, but they didn't seem impossible for someone who actually took the time to study (I crammed my studies into 24 days). I am pretty sure I got my 2 research questions right and I used the IRC to go through another question, so I think I got that one right…. oh, the hours we spend going over the exam in our head, weighing our performance!

    I'm actually convinced I'm going to get a 74, because I noticed with 10 minutes left in my exam that I had done one of the SIMs wrong and I didn't go back to fix it. I knew how to do it, too, so I'm kicking myself now… I just get to a point during the exams where I'm just DONE and submit, and I have a feeling it is going to haunt me.

    CA licensed CPA

    AUD - 08/31/13 - 84
    BEC - 11/26/13 - 84
    FAR - 08/10/14 - 85
    REG - 11/30/14 - 72, 02/20/15 - 87

    What have I gotten myself into?


    wait for my Reg score, this is my last section. I was not confident before and after the exam, but I still think I have the chance to pass it. When I took the FAR section, I felt terrible. I almost gave it up. I thought about exiting the exam without finishing it, but I was so happy that I finished it because I passed it with a score of 82. I really planned to retake it. So good luck everyone!



    @memeda – good luck to you as well! I'm a little bit worried about how many of us are waiting for REG to find out if we're all done! A lot of people saved it for last, I guess. Hopefully the 50% of people that pass are all the ones on this forum.

    CA licensed CPA

    AUD - 08/31/13 - 84
    BEC - 11/26/13 - 84
    FAR - 08/10/14 - 85
    REG - 11/30/14 - 72, 02/20/15 - 87

    What have I gotten myself into?


    @pnielson. I never felt the test get harder for any of them. I'm sure u passed. Again, I didn't even open three sims!! And I second you on being DONE


    @pnielsen1982 I am in Texas so we do not use CPA Central. I looked it up on the Nasba website. I had just checked at 12:15am and then at about 12:35am (at least that is when I texted my sleeping husband that I fail BEC BY ONE POINT).

    Hey Nasba – how about getting in the holiday spirit and post the scores already?!?!?

    FAR - 81

    BEC - 74

    REG - took 11.26.14 counting down the minutes until score release

    AUD - scheduled 1.5.15


    @mms85 – I am Texas as well and this is my first score release. Where do we check scores?

    REG - 68, 81
    FAR - June 2016
    AUD - 58, 63, 84
    BEC - 71, 79

    CPAexcel (Gold), Ninja Audio, and Ninja MCQ

    "Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful"


    Took FAR and felt really confident and the Audit Exam did not go as well. Did anyone else feel like some of the Audit questions had 3 correct answers.

    FAR – 93 – 10/10/14

    AUD – ?? – 11/21/14

    REG – 1/15

    BEC – 4/15


    Took FAR and felt really confident and the Audit Exam did not go as well. Did anyone else feel like some of the Audit questions had 3 correct answers?

    FAR – 93 – 10/10/14

    AUD – ?? – 11/21/14

    REG – 1/15

    BEC – 4/15

    Steven K.

    So is there any indication the scores might be released earlier than tomorrow morning? Just wondering if I should waste precious hours of sleep


    If it's like last time….they'll start coming out in 45 minutes. Keep an eye on CPA Central.

    REG (July 2014) - Pass
    AUD (Aug 2014) - Pass
    FAR - (Nov 2014) - Pass
    BEC - (Dec 2014) - Pass

    Licensed Colorado CPA (February 2015)


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