March 21st Score Release People! - Page 21

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  • #1506895

    So 2 weeks until this batch of scores are released. I saw someone do this kind of thread for my Audit exam and it really helped seeing everyone get together to chat about it.

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  • #1515976

    TXtoCA – we're in the exact same boat. I had decent/ok MCQ feeling then came the TBS….I'm in H town BTW.


    txtoca, how did you know your testlets were harder? I have a tough time judging this and I'd like to think that is because I'm well prepared enough that nothing seems overly “hard”.

    I do think I got a harder second and third testlet, but again I'm not sure how people are so sure about this. AUD seemed especially difficult for me to gauge difficulty..


    My first post, waiting for the results for my second attempt for FAR & Audit, i really will need a lot of coffee tonight. I wish all of you all the best.


    Pretending to work, I can't concentrate. My heart is beating so fast 🙁 I really hope I passed BEC. Good luck!


    good luck to everyone!!! if not this time around, we will all eventually pass 😀


    @NeedsA75 I'm like you, I never know. I don't even speculate anymore.

    Hell, I don't even remember the question.

    FAR 74


    Being productive today is impossible. I've got nerves like crazy.


    needsa75 – When I studied I printed off the 50 questions (hard copy) that were the latest released aicpa ones. Becker had them on there. They said which group was med and which were more difficult on there. It was really clear the med ones were more simply worded and more straightforward in general. After doing that little exercise I seemed to have a good feel in general on med vs more difficult. On the test the 1st was always med. I glanced over the questions quickly before answering them when I started a new testlet to get a feel. They were on avg much harder/more complex vs the 1st testlet. After torturing myself on becker MCQs for weeks I feel like I was decently prepped on answering trickier questions. There seems to be a handful of tricks they love to play in wording questions from looking at samples. Double negatives, piles of extraneous info., one word differences, etc.

    Hoping I did just well enough on MCQs to carry me / just well enough on TBS not to totally toast me 🙂


    @Karessa if I had your scores I wouldn't be nervous at all! (unless they are retakes lol)


    I messed up by not looking at the released questions until after the exam…but honestly a lot of of the “difficult” questions don't even seem that difficult compared to what you see in the Gleim test bank.

    I'm pretty sure my questions got harder on at least one testlet, if not both the second and third testlets but I always doubt myself in this regard.


    Has NASBA or the powers that be ever discussed why they release scores at such an inhumane time? Who in their right mind thought 1am was ‘the time' to drop scores?


    I took FAR in January. I did the same thing to get a feel for med vs hard. When I got to my test the 1st testlet felt like a MED/HARD not a med. I felt like I may or may not have gotten a med/hard/hard on FAR. I got an 80 though. I felt better on the sims on that one vs this one though. All I need is a 75 on this one though! Happy to get a 75 this time.


    @NeedsA75 – Usually I can't tell, but with this one the 1st testlet was basic knowledge that I was zooming through it. Also helps that I do Audits at work so I felt like I could have answered the 1st testlet without studying & just from my knowledge at work. Not the same for 2nd & 3rd…

    – been there many times! I do not envy your summers!


    I honestly think the people posting in this thread are gonna pass. Everyone has really solid scores and I just have a good feeling that we are gonna be done after this..


    I hope you're right. This feels like the longest day ever. I have no work-related stuff to do because I finished, so I'm in that no-man's land of deciding whether to do some REG MCQ in case I don't pass, or just sit here and keep staring at the countdown timer.

    FAR – 78
    BEC – 87
    AUD – 90
    REG – 3/10

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