Longest Week EVER!! 2/24/15

  • Creator
  • #192100

    Has anyone felt like the simulations were unclear on their instructions and just knew you bombed them and ended up passing? I only feel okay about the MCQs also. Praying for a 75. I could be done! I just need to know already! Waiting for this score is the shortest wait I’ve had, but since this is my last part it is driving me crazy!!

    Aud 83 11/04/2014
    BEC 79 11/24/2014
    REG 87 1/07/2015
    FAR ?? 🙁 2/24/2015

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  • Author
  • #647414

    I am in the similar boat. REG is my last one and hoping to pass. I had the similar situation for FAR and end up passing. Good Luck..

    FAR: 85 (Becker)
    AUD: 88 (Becker)
    BEC: 82 (Becker + Ninja 10 Point Combo)
    REG: 74, 73, 91 DONE!!! (Becker + Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ's)


    @lastREG Thanks !! Good luck to you also!

    Aud 83 11/04/2014
    BEC 79 11/24/2014
    REG 87 1/07/2015
    FAR ?? 🙁 2/24/2015

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