@MS, are you clicking on the above site?
@Adam, I was using:
-2012 Becker’s self-review
-2012 Becker Flashcards
-10-Point NINJA Combo
-Wiley Book 2013
-2013 Becker’s Final Review PDF
-Wiley Textbook – Intermediate Accounting
I was too slow learning the areas I was really weak on. Though I got the basic theories of FAR, yet I kind of slacked off without any certain goals a day. I ONLY worked on a total of 200 progress tests and 30 MCQs from WTB (Shame on me!) I did not maximize my time and the available materials I have on my hands enough to pass.
Today, I am changing my poor study habits and I make sure I will tackle all these (Becker Progress Tests 10,517 & WTB 1,458) MCQs until the last day of my final review.
Yesterday, I paid $206 so I can avail the 2014 Becker self-study updated software. The FASB codification lecture and outline per chapter seems truly helpful.
I know I didn't get my AL correct during the actual test because I did not really know how to use it properly.
Don't you think you should request for renewal for Becker's promise too and perhaps get Jeff's 10-point combo for FAR. The NINJA combo is very helpful too.