Jeff, Do you think Reg will have some kind of curve or different grading? - Page 2

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    It seems like the majority of people on this forum found Reg to be very challenging in some form or another; do you think Reg will have some kind of curve or different grading, whatever you would like to call it?

    I guess what I am asking is do you think the AICPA wants a certain percentage of people to pass or are they trying to make the pass rates lower with the new exam?

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  • #276402

    Yes haze! I have been miserable waiting for REG. The list includes: having nightmares about the sims, panic attacks about not passing, checking for scores even though is now-where near the score release, searching the Internal Revenue in my quest for some of the sims answers and more…………. At least I think I nailed a sim in which I pretty much guessed 100% !! I looked in the IRC and I think I guessed it right and now I want this sim to count and not the other beast sim. I cant even imagine how will I feel when scores start coming out. For better or worse, the Ohio Loophole still works for Puerto Rico, since we still use the “Old Nasba” scores page and has worked for me in every window. If it lets me sit for the exam, it will be devastating, as it probably means I failed. If I see a 75 in the scores, I will probably start screaming (which I never do) and crying. Wow, I just got some emotions just thinking of the possibility I just might had finished the exam. We will see in less than 2 weeks from now, game on!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    OMG Herbert7890 You will be just fine, I mean, come on, looking at your previous scores you seem to be doing something right and shouldn't worry so much. Unlike me I had a horror of a time with REG, I didn't even finish the exam, I just knew walking out of the exam I failed.


    SnotRodsMommy, when did you take REG? I also passed other exams but REG was different. I think I should have prepared differently. )-:



    Is that loophole reliable in new nasba? Luke ny?



    I have heard that the Loophole no longer works if you are under the new NASBA scoring page : (

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    herbert I'm in the same boat as you, with pretty similar scores (83, 85, 94). Reg was definitely harder.


    I took Reg in February and it was really horrible! Half way through the test I almost walk out and then it was like I just stopped thinking……and started guessing. I can only remember 1 of my sims, which has to be a bad sign. If I failed, I am planning a retake early April. I am trying to move on to Audit so I can test at the end of May. Anyone moving on to a new topic have any advice on how to NOT obsess over a looming failing grade?


    Was there anyone that did not think Reg was bad news?


    I received an email yesterday from NASBA with the following info;

    Q. Why will all scores be released only after the close of the window during the first three quarters of 2011?

    A. The main reason that scores will be released after the close of the testing window during the first three quarters of 2011 is to gather candidate performance data for the new Task-Based Simulations (TBS). Candidate data from a full testing window is required to provide enough data for a proper analysis and validation.

    The transition from standard simulations to TBSs in CBT-e makes faster score reporting possible since TBSs may be pre-tested. Pre-testing allows us to gather question performance data, as we have done with multiple-choice questions (MCQs): once we have enough statistical data, we will be able to score TBSs as quickly as we score MCQs.

    I think the key here is that they need to gather more statistical data. Candidate data from a full testing window is required to provide enough data for a proper analysis and validation. When they see that everyone has bombed the TBSs, they will have enough information to validate that the TBS's need to be curved or designated as pre-test.

    I suppose I would rather wait the extra time if it means I would get a 75 with further analysis vs a 74 without further analysis. I just hope those March candidates don't perform spectacularly and throw the curve.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    Yea, I would think that would be true…I hope you are right!


    If it helps anybody out, my boss walked out to her car and cried her eyes out after taking REG 2010. She thought she failed miserably and almost walked out of the exam. She ended up getting a 93. I bet you guys did better than you think

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    pshustler, those are the best words I could hear today!!!! Hopefully we all did better than we feel. I even had to stop in mid exam and pray to regain my composure. It's a cruel exam, to say the least.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    If REG seemed like a beast from anathema, then that's a good sign – it means you probably had hard testlets, which are worth more points – aka you were doing well.


    Jeff, what if your testlets started off hard? ALL my testlets had little minute details that were not hard, just hard to remember.



    I don't think I had any “hard” testlets since all of my questions were short, but the questions that I was asked were all on tiny little details that I don't ever remember seeing in the Becker Review. I am also starting to worry about the theory that the AICPA takes into consideration how many questions you have marked. I marked a ton of questions on this exam. At least half of the questions in the first testlet. I felt about the same for BEC in 2010 as I did for REG in 2010 and I marked a lot of questions on REG. I was probably concerned about the same number of questions on BEC, but I didn't mark them since I was to a point where I didn't care anymore and I wasn't planning on going back to them. I got a 73 on REG and a 78 on BEC. So if the AICPA uses the marked questions to determine which ones you guessed on and taked that into consideration when calculating your score, then I'm in trouble.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!

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