It's about that time… December 8th score release! - Page 12

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  • #1329674

    I’m waiting for my AUD score which will hopefully be my last one. I have nothing else to do but stress out. Whose with me?

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  • #1373900

    yeah I'm in California just got mine I'm done Aud 85!!!!!! Yipeeee



    Yes I just got mine in California about 15 minutes ago, 84 on AUD. Finally this is over after a 10 year journey and lots of money down the drain!



    Where is it showing? On the Status tab? Mine still just shows I attended.


    So, I am going all out. Taking BEC on the 13th and retaking REG hopefully before then. Need to get these in before tax season. Wish me luck..


    OMG. I got an 87. Please, people tell me that these scores don't change, right???


    They only change if you used 4 question marks. 😉 Congrats!!


    Failed REG with a 72. Now I've lost FAR and I lose BEC on 1/7. Going to try and retake FAR and REG before I lose BEC, or else I will not be close to passing again until next August, at least.



    Keep trying, I took them 30 times in total over 10 years, but only got serious in the last 2 years. My jobs before required me to “show” I was attempting them so I would just sign up, study 5 hours and go. Don't do it like me, just give up a year or so of your life, bang them out and you will be happy, I promise.


    Another Ochocino!

    MarylandPoke, you are literally living my worst nightmare. Don't give up! You can and will succeed! Wishing the best for you.


    78 on AUD. Thank god

    COngrats to all


    Ugh. 62 for REG. I thought I felt pretty good about the MCQ, so I don’t know what went wrong. I studied really hard, the same way I studied for my 78 in BEC. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t want to have to take each exam three times before I pass. I used Wiley and then Ninja MCQ. I just purchased the ten point combo for REG. I need some motivation. 


    73 on AUD. I just reapplied so I can hopefully take it within the first week of January. I thought it was going to be close, but seeing this score feels like a kick in the teeth.


    @Leyla Hayden

    I got a 71, 72, 74 before this 84 on audit. This last time I only did multiple choice questions and reviewed the reports, so 2000+ MCQ and it worked for me. I am sure you will pass next time if you study just as hard.


    CA score up and got an 82. I think I'm done with this exam! Need to see my expired BEC to go back to Unexpired to really feel it. I can't believe this. For those who passed, congratulations. For those who didn't, keep at it (I went at it for 10 years on and off).

    Also, this forum has been my go-to life line to give me hope and confidence on these exams. Everyone is so positive here and that is what is truly needed to pass. I srsly want to thank everyone here since you all
    Have been a huge part of my journey even if only on the mental side.

    BEC - 68,70,72,75 5/15
    AUD - 78(expired), 77 8/15
    REG - 29,58,65,77 1/16
    FAR - 56,68,73 - retake October hopefully (last shot)

    Been doing this since 2007 on and off...


    First time posting… I've lurked for a while because reading everyone's posts makes me feel like I'm in a support group.

    Congratulations to everyone who learned or is learning they passed today!

    I was unsuccessful on my first attempt at FAR today with a 70, but did better than I thought I would. I walked into the exam with no expectation of passing, but couldn't reschedule any more times — I'd already pushed the test twice.

    FAR is my last part — saved the best for last! It's do or die in January 2017 or I lose AUD.

    We can do this!!!

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