ILBOA – Release - Page 6

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  • #1728642

    I’m slowly dying waiting to see AUD from the IL site… if anyone fellow illinoisians see the score up, I’d appreciate the heads up!

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  • #1732143

    Per the ILBOE facebook site. Hahahahahah you thought you would get your scores today. The problem hasn't actually been resolved even though we said you would be receiving your scores today. We still have no idea what is going on.
    Seems like a weird facebook post if you ask me.


    How are these still not out?! FFS!!!


    all that waiting… for a FREAKING 74!!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK


    @eMeRGeD that sucks hard. I got an 88 for BEC, but given everything that's gone on I'm not sure whether or not to think it's a glitch.

    Eh, whatever, I'll take it.


    1 freaking point… this is the worst :/ is there any way to appeal or pay them money for the extra point?! :'(


    92 on BEC!


    That's bribery my friend. Honestly if you were that close I'd just brush up on whatever you were worst in and retake it here in the next 2 weeks. You took REG, right?


    I failed. I was so hopeful. I received the same exact score for FAR…as I did in Q4. I am so crushed. I just wanted to be done.


    @Matt – No AUD was my first one.. failed it twice now :/ I'll find out BEC later this month..

    (the pay them money was a joke)


    @yackemo17 – I just wanted to tell you I've been there too with FAR. My first and second takes were almost identical scores – only one point higher on second attempt. But I finally passed on the third try with a 13 point jump. I didn't think it was possible, but it did happen. I sincerely hope you get that moment next time.


    @Kimberly That really does help. Thank you! Man, I was feeling so crushed. While I was waiting for scores, I tried to make myself useful by completing the Ethics Exam…so at least I made some progress. FAR is my last exam. I scored so much lower than usual. I need a 15 point jump. I scored 60 – twice.

    On the 2nd attempt, I walked in thinking I would probably fail, because I had been putting in so many hours at work. It was year end, and I was working 70's for about 2 1/2 months. I also had to take my dog to emergency for surgery before my exam. Needless to say, I have been pretty burned out. Despite that, I walked out of the exam thinking that I had done better than the first attempt. I felt less beat up. No such luck.

    Any advice for how to attack it? I plan to follow the blue print for the Sims and go through the last half of the Becker program again. I definitely need a refresher there.


    What are the odds that we get our scores on March 20th for the next score release?


    @yackemo17 – I am so sorry for the delay.

    I wasn't much above you. I scored 63/64 before the 13 point jump. It's possible. I have now seen no less than 2 people report here they jumped from a 59 to a passing score in the 80s on FAR. So we know it can happen.

    I'm sorry you were dealing with so much too. These exams are all beasts in their own right, but FAR is just double that, at least it was for me. They funny thing is I was pretty sure I got a harder exam on my last attempt. That was the most beat up I felt of all my attempts thus far. So I must have gotten enough big point questions right. Because I sure know I didn't get them all right, clearly.

    Advice. Do you supplement with any other material? I found after two takes I could not keep going though the same motions. I got Surgent, just for FAR, and it really did help me hone in on the areas I needed help with. I practiced SIMS more extensively than the first time, because I was weaker in them. I'm not saying abandon Becker, necessarily, but I would encourage you to maybe get something else to look at so you aren't just going through the same material again.

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