IL Score Report

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  • #157852

    I received my paper score report from the IL BoE today. Its for BEC and I passed, but there is a performance report for AUD printed on the back. The front of the report states “if you did not pass this exam section, performance information is provided on the back of this score notice.” The explanatory letter with the report also states that the performance report is only included for FAILED exams.

    I would say this is just a misprint OR an example report, but I took Audit at the end of May and can’t help but wonder if my supposed failing AUD report ended up here by mistake! I took AUD at the very end of May and don’t believe IL would have even received my score from the AICPA yet anyway.

    Any IL candidates have a passing score report with a performance report (for the same or a different section!) on the back?

    This test makes me crazy and paranoid.


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81

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  • #229251

    Lisa – You are not supposed to receive a report if you passed – something is wrong. I have never seen anything that said passing personally, but I have received a bunch of failed reports from IL. I would call down to the BOE and tell them what you found. They receive the scores from the AICPA and print the reports there if I remember correctly. Even if they didn't and they stuff them there you may have someone's audit score report that may be missing it. I would think something went wrong on their part. It would also give you piece of mind to let them know & know it is not yours. I took Reg in IL on 5/12 and got pushed to the second wave. I don't have a score as of yet so I would be shocked if they are that on top of it to have reports printed from second wave.

    I called down there before and they okay to deal with. They did tell me the last time I called if they don't have scores posted they don't have them from AICPA (so they wouldn't have reports then). I took AUD 1/5 and found out 3/27 I failed – it still took until 4/15 to receive my score report. I would think you have someone's wave 1 AUD score report. They just don't work that fast.

    I hope this helps!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    We receive both passing and failing reports here in VA. The only difference is that the failing report will have a breakdown on strong and weak areas on the back. the passing report will say something like this:

    Score: 80 Result: Pass

    Current credit status for examination:

    AUD Credit Expires: 2/28/2011

    REG Credit Expires: 4/30/2011

    FAR No credit

    BEC No credit

    But yes, if you passed you shoudn't have anything on the back. Maybe just misprint.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!



    3 weeks!!! I dont remember it taking them three weeks to send my letter. At this point I am “soanxious” cuz i wanna see the report in my hand.


    Congrats on passing BEC, i agree i would call down there. Lucy and Russ Friedwald (sp??) are very nice. They always answer my questions. Lucy can be chatty and you may not be able to get your question out all at once but i just let her talk and when i hear that pause and I fly thru what I am about to say. LOL

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    magic_8_ball_did_i_pass – So sorry to say they made me wait in Nov/Dec window for it also. I sat 11/13 AUD, results 12/18 (failing of course), and score report was not received until 1/7. By then I already resat for it on 1/5 – studied without knowing what I did right or wrong. Okay, now if I had taken a month between I might have passed, but I started a class 1/6, had the time off, and thought I could do it.

    When I sat in May of '09 I waited like 3 weeks for results (sat 5/27), and had my score report in a week. My previous attempts I don't remember waiting for results more than 3 weeks and a week for the report. Something happened at the end of last year to change the reporting and it was not for the better. After almost three years at this they have gone down hill with reporting.

    Even though there is not a lot of info on there, I still find it helpful. I can see where I fell down at or what I was good at. I see the NASBA candiates seem to see theirs with their score. Wating that long for a report is insane.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Do we have PM on here??? (private messages)

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    magic_8_ball_did_i_pass – I read Jeff took the PM off line because someone figured out how to spam it. I don't think he is going to bring it back.


    I am an IL candidate – I definitely think that's a mistake.

    I have only received two passing letters so far, there was nothing on the back. I agree with the posters who mentioned to contact ILBOA and report it, just so they're aware.

    (IL) / BEC - 81 (2/20/10) / AUD - 94 (4/19/10) / REG - 86 (5/24/10) / FAR 96 (10/18/10) / DONE


    IL Candidates,

    Is there a work experience requirement for illinois. I looked at the site but i am baffled here. if someone can point me in the right direction on the site or have an answer i would truly appreciate it!!!

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    Magic 8:

    Since I haven't completed all the exams yet, I start this with a disclaimer, but to the best of my knowledge here is what I know –

    -Yes, there is a “work experience” requirement of 1 year of “accounting experience.”

    From what I've been told, this “work experience” does not specifically have to be in public accounting. For example – As of this year I will have been employed as a Staff Accountant for one year. That would qualify as “work experience”. I need to have a supervisor or manager who is a CPA sign off on my experience.

    Again, this is to the best of my knowledge

    (IL) / BEC - 81 (2/20/10) / AUD - 94 (4/19/10) / REG - 86 (5/24/10) / FAR 96 (10/18/10) / DONE


    I agree with Misterbum. The one year work experience in IL is not required to be in public accounting (see below). As of July 1st though everyone is going to have to be licensed. IL used to be a two tier state (registered CPA's or licensed CPA's (RCPA, LCPA)). As of 7/1/10 we will all have to be licensed and meet the continuing education credits & the higher fee.

    Experince Specific for IL


    Main Website

    Registered vs. License

    Hope this helps!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Thanks Soanxious!

    Lucy down at ILBOA told me last may all about the as of 6/30 license vs registered will be no more. Then she went on to say bad time to decide to test as they were being slammed with recent grads….I did not receive my ATT until sept 25th…i mailed in the app may 22. Paid nasba on 11/25. NTS never came had to mail them on my birthday 12/16 and some guy was nice enough to email it to me instantly and then i scheduled my exam for 1/9….

    But thanks for the heads up!!! Now i know that i will have to go to my first job as my second job shut its doors…i think i know where the VP of finance is….but I definitely know about my first job and him still being there.

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    Thanks for the feedback guys! I haven't called the BOE yet but I should next week. I have my passing score proudly stuck on my refrigerator and forgot to grab it this week so I'd have it with me when I call.

    Thanks for posting those links, Soanxious. I heard about those changes but wasn't clear on them… It looks like regardless of your status of practicing publically or not, you'll have to do CPE. Is that right? It looks like there's some grandfathering of people who were already registered versus licensed that that they can renew at their current status without any change.

    Magic_8, I was cracking up at your description of talking to Lucy at the office.. I did talk to her once and she was super nice to me, and a bit chatty. But I appreciated that since I was expecting everyone at that office to be not-so-nice. I am also 1/4 CPA!! If only there was such a thing…


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81


    Yep, we will all have to do the CPE requirements now. I think I will enjoy them much more though then studying the same stuff over, and over again. My goal in '09 was to pass all parts by 7/1/10, but I didn't plan on failing audit again in Nov of 09 and then sitting again 1/5, and then waiting for a score for three months. Such a bummer. So I hope to have audit, reg, and far out of the way & I could only pray to have bec done by 1/1/11. I can't even think about about the 2011 changes I am determined to try to get this done by then (I hope)

    I think my audit studying is going good. Everything seems really familiar. I had a dream I failed reg with a 71 but was happy it was in the seventies & not where it was when I took it in 07 (too low to even talk about). So lets hope & pray for me. I want to be done so bad!!!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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