If you have taken your exam on the last day of a testing window…….

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  • #185870

    Have you received your score on the scheduled date? I am scheduled to take my exam Thursday but an exam slot just opened up for Saturday the 31st at 12:30. I see on the AICPA website that they must receive your score by midnight on the 1st for your score to be released on the scheduled date. I really want to reschedule my exam but if I’m going to need to retake I wanted to do it the beginning of July so if my score doesn’t come out I lose a whole week of study time in June! For those of you that have taken your exam on the last day, have you received your score on the normal scheduled date or the later date?


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  • #567468

    It seems to be hit or miss. I've seen some people (myself included) have no problem. But I've seen others who had to wait. I believe it depends on your Prometric center and how quickly they get the data submitted.


    I took my Reg Exam 5/14, A day before the last day of the testing window and received my score today (would've gotten it May 23 if it would've been received by the AICPA on 5/15 at midnight. so I was about 36 hours before the cutoff and didn't get my score submitted in time).

    Definitely possible to not get into the window.

    Did you get in? I also took a test on 5/29/14 in Spokane. (Was auditing, hasn't been released yet)

    REG - 92
    AUD - 90
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 82
    BISK Review Materials
    DONE! /Happydance

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