I am devastated, failed audit twice now, I need Help!

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  • #157519

    I used Becker twice, I have Kaplan but don’t find it useful. I passed Reg and am now working on Bec and Far afterwards. Can anyone give me advice on what to use to study for MC ?s on Audit. I did them 3 times in becker, know the reports up and down.

    I found the simulations to be very easy the second time but the mc was more difficult. The questions weren’t familiar at all. I mean… how many different ways can you ask a question on the same theory??? Do I need to get an updated book or use a different company for review?

    I would appreciate any advice


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  • #224400


    Sorry to hear that. I failed audit twice before passing this last time.

    I used Gleim's 20 modules to help me through this exam. I broke it down to 5 parts:

    1. Engagement Planning

    2. Internal Control

    3. Evidence (Completeness and Validity mainly)

    4. Reviews (Compilations, Review, and Attestation.)

    5. Reporting (Writing the CPA report)

    There are several differences in between public and nonpublic clients, and also figuring out PCAOB requirements (requires an integrated audit)

    In addition, there is also governamental accounting which is just a little bit different.

    A great supplement is to read the AU standards in the AICPA website.

    PM me if you have any more questions. You WILL PASS!!!

    BEC 85, REG 79, FAR 77, AUD 81!!! DONE!!! PA


    I found the Yager Cram really works, it helped me pass Audit after failing the first time w/a 70. I also redid the Becker Lectures over and over. I think I watched each lecture a total of 4 times. I just felt it would help to keep things fresh. Also the flashcards really helped.


    Did anybody use cpaexcel? I have failed twice now…68 and a 70! I have no clue what to do?!?!


    I used Becker for Audit. The first time I took it I failed with a 67. The second time I passed. The second time around, I really focused on knowing & memorizing the material rather than practicing the multiple choice questions. I would recommend supplementing with another review course. I know it costs more money, but I would rather spend more and be done then have to sit again.

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