How to battle score release anxiety

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  • #1678777

    I get soo nervous checking my scores I swear i feel like i shake. how can i battle this and not worry about it?

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  • #1678795

    I can’t help you, but I can relate. I’ve never been this close to complete before, and I’m having serious anxiety about this release. It’s to the point where I’m not really sleeping. Tuesday can’t come soon enough for me.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I've been going to the gym and trying to live a normal life. I can't sleep though and I want to keep studying.


    I have awful anxiety before any exam. I'm pretty good at writing these and usually score very well, so I don't worry about not being prepared for the exam. I worry about not sleeping the night before (random) and being so exhausted I can't write the exam. This random fear causes me to be intensely anxious for weeks before. All because I'm worried that the night before I won't be able to fall asleep. It kinda becomes a self fulfilling prophecy…

    All that's to say, the way I combat that irrational anxiety is I have a beer or two before bed time the nights leading up. The night before I take a sleeping pill (which I never ever normally do). Neither of those are the “kosher” way that a doctor would recommend, but it's what I do.


    I'm don't have any advice as to how to battle the anxiety, but I'd definitely take the advice as well! Studied so hard from March until December to pass these exams on my first try, and going into this process, I was hoping to get 3/4 on my first try, but once I passed FAR, then I basically told myself I have to pass them all on my first attempt.

    I guess just remember that we are usually our harshest critic, and it's tough not to compare these exams to exams in school. We don't have to get 75% on the questions correct to pass this exam. Who knows how many we actually need to get correct, but since I studied with Becker, I'm also falling back on the Becker Promise because they wouldn't offer a free “re-do” with their software basically if their methods don't work the majority of the time. They'd be losing almost $1150 if I don't pass a section, because I'd get to retake that for free.

    Accounting Adam

    Somewhere in Texas my score is sitting in an excel spreadsheet next to all you other patient souls… 15 hours!


    I'm right there with you. The anxiety has been building up since last Monday. Yesterday began the moodiness/irritability.. I don't talk about it with anyone, even when people ask I was very vague about the score release date. I just try repeating positive affirmations all day long, meditation, headphones with music, tonight i'll be out of the house until 8ish (thank goodness) .. but I'll probably play call of duty until score release lol. Best of luck to everyone!

    AUD - 8/12/16
    REG - 10/7/16
    BEC - 11/18/16
    FAR - TBD

    #300before30 - Pass the CPA exam before my 30th Birthday.


    I've had anxiety ALL DAY! My plan is to go home and try my very best to go about things normally. Easier said than done I know. I've already told my wife she's going to check all my scores (3 pending) and I'm just going to walk away. After about a minute I'm going to come back to her and tell her “just let me have it”. So I'll be either jumping to the ceiling or falling to my knees. This is my very first post on here but I've been reading it for almost a year now. Felt I needed to finally say something! Good luck to all you guys, I hope to hear good news from you!


    I think I'm going to watch Monday night football and NBA games to distract myself tonight.


    I am literally shaking. This is potentially my last score release and it's my second time taking FAR. Oh man, I really hope I am done..


    MattLorenz the Becker software has a one year license, technically you will have it available for most of the time even if you don't pass on the first attempt. I got a 73 on FAR in June… then had to wait that ridiculous amount of time for the Q2 2017 score release. That was such the opposite of motivation. I am waiting for REG and AUD right now. I plan on taking FAR before the first 2018 window closes.

    Looking at Becker I have 142 days left to study BEC (but already massed last March), 281 days to pass FAR (will be done in Q1), 348 days for AUD and REG, since I got them both at the same time.

    Since I have until August to pass FAR (and probably AUD and REG) I still have plenty of time without actually activating the Becker promise.

    But, I guess if you are taking live in person classes it may be different. I can only handle so much lecture.

    Very anxious like the rest of you for my scores.

    On a distracting note. My 3 year old fell off a scooter on Saturday night an popped a front tooth completely out, root and all. Fortunate, its a baby tooth and he will just be snaggle toothed for a year and a half. This has occupied the past 72 hours of my life, so I have not had a chance to stress about scores.

    Study hard you will, pass you may.


    @ChilChil oh no! At least it was nothing super bad, but I’m sure that was scary for everyone. Glad to hear that everything is ok!

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    there is this green substance that is legal in CA that helps me battle score release day anxiety. I suspect it will help with things tomorrow.


    @TommyTheCat – I wonder if that same substance is the reason your state takes so long to post the results…


    likely jun. likely.


    @tommythecat – how did you get 97 on REG??? I got 92 and I thought I totally mastered it. You must be a tax legend! Is it the green stuff!???

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