Help with BEC!!

  • This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I already took FAR and REG and as difficult as they may have been…at least they were interesting to me. BEC on the other hand….I’m having a really hard time staying focused! Can anyone share any studying strategies for BEC? If you got through BEC….what kind of advice do you have for me and anyone else feeling the same way?


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  • #270074

    BEC actually kept me interested. Just becasue of the voluminous amounts of calculations you have to memorize throughout the B3 and B5 lectures (If using Becker). It does get better, B1 is a little slow but after that it is interesting.

    I see you have tried AUD….you haven't seen boring until you study for AUD. No calulations, just theory. Yikes….zzzzzzzzz

    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)



    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)


    I'm glad to hear it gets better because chapter 1 (Becker) has been brutal. I just hope 6 weeks is enough time to study. I under estimated the material in this section.

    and I'm not looking forward to Audit!


    Here's my advice -try MDS CPA Review. It kept me on track and focused. The instructors condense it at much as possible so you are getting just what you need to know to pass. I didn't have to read tons of pages either; information was just in outline form. I can't stand reading, so that was huge for me. I got an 82 on BEC my first time using it.

    Need a Napa

    I felt like BEC was like Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader. I seriously felt if I took that test right out of college, I could have passed it without studying.

    That having been said, college was 5 years, 2 kids, and many beers ago. I knew the info was in by brain somewhere, but I just couldn't find it. I used ExamMatrix for 6 weeks, maybe in the 60-80 hour range total. I actually really enjoyed it, because it felt more like a trivia game, whereas FAR for example was much harder on every single question.

    I've never used Becker, but keep plugging along… There's got to be something in there that will catch your interest.

    BEC - 83 (8/31/2010)
    FAR - 85 (11/30/2010)
    AUD - 82 (2/27/2011)
    REG - 87 (5/31/2011)


    I understand what you are saying about BEC.. I am not a fan about the IT stuff. The equations, you will just have to work through and memorize. Economics isn't heavy on the exam, I think it says 10% or so <– so don't stress tooooo much there. I used 2010 Becker books, and their IT info was way outdated. I don't know how their books are for 2011. I didn't like the exam because of the IT info and the way Becker presented the IT info.

    Little peace of advice with Becker BEC.. some of the equation problems, you might want to look at the answer and work the problem backwards to fully understand the concepts. Good Luck.. you'll make it! Every exam was different for everyone.. I would rather take far and reg again rather than bec. haha


    Thanks for all the feedback!

    CPAsomeday- When I first opened the book I was scared! Mostly because I found the info so boring! Now that I'm in chapter 2 studying economics, I feel better. I won't spend too much time on economics since it won't be heavily tested. I DON'T understand why we are tested on IT stuff! I know NOTHING about IT and don't care for it….so chapter 1 and IT will definately be a challenge for me.

    I see your point on FAR and REG….way more interesting, but wouldn't wanna go through FAR again…horrible experience! lol

    I've been out of college for 7 years now so remaining focused is not what it used to be…

    donestudying- i've never heard of MDS CPA Review. Becker has my money already =( hopefully it pays off!

    whyeventry – i'm not looking forward to Audit!


    Awesome! Yeah.. why do we have to know IT? Why do we have to know about econ? Who knows.. hehe. Definitely, don't blow off econ, but ya know.. use your judgement. Every exam is different 🙂 Sounds like you are on the right track. AUD won't be so bad.. you'll make it! 🙂

    By the way in 2010. there was a really dull guy on the Econ videos for Becker.. is this the same for 2011? If so, I'm so sorry to tell you, but he is the same video instructor for IT! OMG.. he was so dull and boring and looked like he just wanted to kill someone.. I did not like that guy at all! Good Luck 🙂


    CPA Someday- yep! same guy from 2010 is teaching 2011. He is extremelly boring!!!! =(


    FWIW: I have a Bachelors in Information Systems and Operations Mgt. and yet, the IT questions are still tricky. I think whomever writes the questions uses particulars (scenarios, terminology, etc.) they've been exposed to in their business/workplace when those sorts of things vary widely from firm to firm. I'd rather see questions consistently written with terminology generic across business – much like you'd find reading industry publications.

    Don't get me started on how many blooming questions were asked from coso…I think my review book (not naming names) had 6-8 pages of material on this area. That's like oh I dunno…NOTHING.

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