I feel you. It can be quite the journey.
Not everybody can pass the CPA exams…it takes endurance for most, perseverance for many and tenacity. For your scores, I don’t think you’re in the “can’t pass” boat. Your scores show that you are absolutely capable.
IMHO, you need to think about it, be honest with yourself, dig deep and try to figure out why you aren’t passing. My guess is your study method may need to be changed. We spend hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars trying to get info on how to pass or what study method works and really, you just gotta figure what works best for you. It took me four failed FAR exams to realize that doing thousands of MCQs is not my path to success…EVERYBODY says do straight MCQs, absolutely didn’t work for me so I ended up doing a blend of things, audios, lots of notes, MCQs, SIMs, reading out loud.
Take a day or two, fix your feelings and get back in the saddle. I’m a firm believer if you can pass one, you can pass them all, and you were able to pass REG.