Getting REG score back next week

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  • #2682753

    Has anyone who has taken REG felt like they were pretty much making an educated guess on everything and come away alright? I left my exam feeling like i knew nothing and I am super nervous about the score release next week. I realize there is nothing that can be done now, but I need something to give me some sort of piece of mind!

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  • #2682783
    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Based on the information provided, you have, without question, passed the exam.
    Are you done now or do you have other parts to take? On to the next challenge!

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I have BEC left and that will be my last section if all goes well next week. I started studying BEC this week and am hoping to get it done on October 4th.


    Yep, me. I felt like there was no way I was passing and I passed with an actually decent score, somehow.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Yep, same boat. I thought the sims for REG were rough.

    I'm stilling waking up in the middle of the night screaming QBI!

    Fortunately there is a support group for those awaiting CPA exam scores. We meet down the street at a place that has cold beverages on tap.


    I feel the same way, I didn't feel 100% in confident in any of the sims. I think I did decent on MC. Praying to the Reg GODS.


    I'm in the same boat. Took REG last week and feel like I knew a bunch of stuff, but praying I didn't mix stuff up. BEC is also my final section. I have not started studying in case I have to retake REG. Plus I just wanted a little break between parts. I honestly have no clue what my score will be. With AUD I knew I passed and with FAR I felt like it was a close call, but with REG I feel like I could easily have gotten anywhere from 65-85. I know I will pass it though, if I have to take it again at least. Hope we both passed.


    im as anxious as the rest of you. good luck to us all!


    I thought for sure I failed REG, and I had a pretty good sense cause I was confident I passed both FAR and AUD and I did. But with REG, with the exception of one TBS and like 2 or 3 multiple choice questions, it felt like I was guessing on everything. I was so pleasantly surprised when I found out I passed.


    Yup, same here. I remember looking at the actually exam to make sure I registered for the right exam that's how horrible it went for me. Thought for sure I failed and was even planning on retake strategy after my exam. But God had other plans. The only exam I didn't have to retake. You will do well.


    Just took REG this morning. My score release is 9/19. I felt good about the MCQs. I was making great time. The TBS were difficult I tried using the authoritative literature didn’t help me as much as it should have. The last Testlet was okay so I hope I got enough to pass.


    I took Reg last Saturday so I hopefully find out this week when they release. I felt not in the least bit prepared even though it was my second attempt. Multiple choice could be a huge toss up for me, wasn't confident in a bunch of them. However, SIMs I oddly found manageable using the authoritative literature and were far less technical than when I took in May. Hoping for a miracle because I'd love to not have to study Reg again.

    BEC- 5/28/2016
    AUD- 7/30/2016
    REG- 5/7/2016
    FAR- 68, rematch 4/2/2016


    I'm waiting on REG as well. Everything is a toss up for me. I know I studied my butt off, but it's been tough waiting on the results for this one. I, too, feel like it could be a 65 or a 79. Ugh! It's my last one and if I do not perform well, then I'll have one more time before AUD expires. My MCQ were alright, but the SIMS oh my goodness. I was like WTH is this crap (I believe I said it loud enough for the other testers to hear). I had some stuff I had NEVER seen in any of the study material and I've been around and used multiple programs. So, that was a huge oh crap moment for me. Anyhow, the worst part (the waiting) is almost over.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    I took REG first, and I came down with the flu about four days before the exam. I was sicker than a dog, and I'm pretty sure that everyone in the Prometric wanted to kill me because I couldn't stop coughing. They make you unwrap your cough drops and put them in a napkin, and she only let me take in three of them, and then you're trying not to use them up and you're picking tissue off of them. It's really pitiful. I coughed so hard at the end of Testlet 3 that I just went ahead and submitted it without checking any of my work because I thought I was going to throw up if I didn't get a cough drop. The lady at the desk checking me back in after the break, let me take the rest of my cough drops in and was disinfecting everything (I probably wasn't contagious at that point but it hardly mattered). Throughout the entire test, I actually didn't care if I passed, I just wanted to go home and go back to sleep. I only went in because I didn't want to have to lose my $200+ without seeing what the exam was like since it was my first one. I guess my motivation to go home and go to sleep was powerful, because when I finished the last Testlet I had a hour(!) left. I thought, wow, I've probably screwed this up royally. I got an 88 on it. If you studied, and you know something about tax (like worked an internship in it) you probably did better than you think! And now when I arrive at Prometric before each exam I think, ‘At least I don't have the flu!'

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