February 26 Score Release Thread - Page 4

  • This topic has 158 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by zach.
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  • #2204269

    Happy waiting 🙂

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  • #2227113


    And this is just my first exam… can only imagine how you feel @Michelle1605. Best of luck to you!


    Thanks Otis! Waiting for the first and last are the absolute worst in my opinion. 2nd and 3rd are much easier mentally. 🙂 Goodluck to you as well. I will be sure to post something if I see a score.


    @Michelle1605 I'm definitely regretting some of the time I missed out on… and i think it'll reflect in my score… but still praying. You never know really when it's 50/50 chance. Good luck to you! it seems a lot of people on this forum it's their last exam!


    Super nervous about the score release. Fourth time taking audit after passing the rest first try. This time around, I used Ninja heavily and reviewed Becker. Took three practice exams and scored in the 80s on all of them, so I am hoping fourth time is the charm.


    Good luck to those waiting. I guess I'll be waiting if I can get the courage to take it again. 🙁

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I will receive FAR and BEC scores on the 26th. Based on how I felt about previous exams, 80% chance I failed BEC and 50% I passed FAR. I'd say 10% I passed both. If I do pass it will be very close on both. If I fail FAR it will also be close. I have until December to pass both exams before I lose AUD.

    The waiting is definitely the worst this time, since it will be my first 2 score release. The scores finally showing up on the screen will be brutal. Good to all!


    Took AUD 02/11/19 and felt the MCQs were fair on the first Teslet and harder on the second. The sims overall seemed pretty easy, which was strange because my last experience with AUD was the opposite. There were obviously a couple of sims I wasn’t 100% sure about but felt confident for the most part. I finished the exam with 45 minutes to spare. Hoping for a passing score! Did anyone else have a similar experience with AUD?


    I am getting so nervous for tomorrow. I am trying to keep it out of my mind but its hard. Hope everyone else is doing better with the anticipation then me!


    I'm getting fairly nervous that I will not receive my score this go around. I took the exam on 2/14 and NASBA states that is the date of attendance. However, under the application status, it status a status date of 2/16. I am guessing that I will end up getting my score on March 8th which just makes this whole experience even more frustrating.

    Second item (and I am assuming I am part of a very small group that has experienced this) – Has anyone ever had technical difficulties with their exam and have to reschedule the exam for another day? I'm wondering if anyone has gone through this and has successfully been reimbursed for any expenses (either through Prometric or NASBA).

    If anyone is interested in my experience that is causing me to ask this, I was originally scheduled to take the exam on 2/7. I got through the first 3 testlets feeling very confident. When I got to the 4th testlet with the authoritative literature, the exam ran into a technical issue and closed out. The proctors were on the phone with the IT helpdesk for over 2 hours as they tried to fix this. I was told after 30 minutes that I would be able to reschedule, however, I felt confident with what I had done so far and did not want to have to retake the exam. After more than 2 hours, I (along with another individual taking audit) were told that they could not do anything more and that we would need to reschedule. The next week was very rough as I did not know if I could take the remaining part of the exam or have to retake the entire thing.

    Regarding my reimbursement question, the night before, I had stayed in a hotel as I lived more than a hour away and there was an expected snow storm. I requested reimbursement from Prometric but was denied as they do not reimburse for situations where the exam is cancelled due to technical issues (when do they reimburse?) and was told to contact NASBA.

    Anyways, that's my story for this exam round. Sorry for the rant, was a very frustrating experience and if I don't pass, I'm not sure if I will continue studying for the other sections.

    Steven K

    Just a friendly reminder; If there is anyone waiting for a 2/26 score release but already took a prior exam this quarter for which they received their score on 2/5, you may be able to start checking if you passed tomorrow morning/afternoon assuming you applied to a NASBA state.
    Here's how:
    1.) Log into your NASBA Gateway account and locate the score you received for your previous exam.
    2.) See if there is an “eye” icon next to your score which allows you to “view the score report.”
    3.) If you took an exam for which you should get your grade on 2/26, that form should show that you “attended” that exam. At some point tomorrow, that will either change to “credit” or “no credit.” Credit = Passed ; No credit = Failed.
    4.) Disclaimer: using this method is only a cheat to find out if you passed. If you're curious about your actual score, then you will have to wait until NASBA actually releases scores.

    Wishing you all the best of luck.

    Steven K

    @Kate CPA
    That is certainly frustrating but don't give up! One thing I will say is that based on what you stated, you should get your score tomorrow night/Tuesday. I took my exam on 2/13 but CPA central didn't update my attendance until 2/15. CPA central is naturally slow. Like for example when the scores come out, they will not be available on CPA central until the day after (or at least that's how NY is). I've had a similar situation occur in prior quarters (ie I took an exam on Dec. 8 and CPA central didn't update my attendance until 12/11) but I still got my score by the 12/19 score release.


    @Kate CPA, I agree with Steven, the day you actually took the exam is what matters. The system takes a minute to update. You should receive your score by the 26th.

    Anyone else already refreshing the score page? When I took AUD back in June 2018, the score was posted a whole day early (a day early and in the morning). So I'm hoping same thing happens tomorrow.


    Anyone else able to see whether they passed or not by clicking on the eye?! I see credit and expires 07/20 so I hope this is true!


    @Kelly, LUCKY! I haven't received a score since dec '18 so I don't have the eye icon
    Hopefully that is true! Good luck!


    What eye?

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