February 26 Score Release Thread - Page 2

  • This topic has 158 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by zach.
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  • #2204269

    Happy waiting 🙂

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  • #2215159

    To be honest I can't even remember all of the SIMs I had, not sure if that is a good thing or not haha.
    I am 95% sure I found the research question but I was stuck between two different paragraphs that seemed to answer the question.
    Had a 2-3 that had quite a few documents but only one of them really stumped me. My final testlet had a Consolidated FS which I thought I was going to ACE because I actually rewatched the Wiley consolidated FS lectures Monday night. But man it threw me for a loop. There were like 8 exhibits with it and I was stuck. I knew the typical eliminating entries for Equity and Investments but feel like I still dropped the ball on that one.
    Also had a DTA/DTL SIM that annoyed me. It was a very brief SIM but really focused on one topic that was not covered in Wiley at all.\
    And had a document review SIM which I probably got half right.


    This score release is hopefully my last. I'm so ready to be over this so I can get back to my regular life lol. Sadly I didn't feel good about it when I left. I reviewed in the car in the morning before I tested, like I always do, and after the first hour I kept getting headaches everytime I started reviewing. I swear I would've gotten more in my brain had I written it on a sticky note, stuck it to a brick wall, and smacked my forehead against it lol. I can't wait to be a CPA. I think my oldest kid is just as excited to find out as I am lol.

    Good luck!


    I'm either done or have another battle with FAR. After reading the above from Michael I'm pretty sure we had the same sim experience. MCQ seemed almost too perfectly aimed at my strong areas so it's really just the sims that have me spooked at this point. Didn't leave anything blank, finished with 1 minute flashing red on the counter.

    Good luck and here's hoping for at least a day early release!


    For those asking about BEC: I took it right when they first made the big changes in summer of 2017 and IT was more than half the exam. There were so many “define this IT term” on my exam that Becker did not prepare me for. I passed cause I personally thought those IT questions were pre-test. If they are still including those questions that probably means they are not pre-test, but logically guessing will get you the right answer. Good luck!


    @Michael I think we had the same DTA/DTL SIM – I am pretty good with that subject but it was weird and aimed at stuff I haven't seen, either. Maybe that was the pretest!


    Just a heads up, if you haven't checked already, the score preview before the actual score release trick still works. If you took an exam for the Dec 19 or Feb 5 score release then you still have your score report until 2/28 on your gateway and it updates in real time so that on score release day it'll flip your section from ATTENDED to CREDIT or NO CREDIT.

    I checked mine just before my test on 2/8 and it was NO CREDIT then the day after my test it updated to ATTENDED for FAR so now I have something to refresh all day on 2/25 (if early release).

    Steven K

    @Josh. If you took an exam for the 12/19 score release, the score report was removed from the portal as of 1/31/2019 (or at least that's what happened to me). Also, don't bother checking the portal everyday. Even with the “view score report” cheat, at best you usually can only find out the day before the actual score release. I took FAR in November and got my score report on 12/10. I took AUD on 12/8 and was supposed to get my score on 12/19 but the score form changed to AUD on the morning of the day before (12/18).


    @Steven my score report from 12/19 is still showing available until 2/28 so maybe it varies by state? I'm not sure on that.

    Also I'm not suggesting to check every day, the trick implies checking the day of early or actual score release. What you described is exactly the point of the trick, you get to see if you passed before you actually get your score. Likely scenario will be early release on 2/25 around 8pm but my last score report will update probably by early afternoon that day to show credit.

    Just giving people a heads up the trick didn't go away with the windows going back to normal.

    Steven K

    @Josh. Yeah i'm sure it varies by state. I applied to NY. and okay that makes sense. Yeah that cheat is super nice. I feel bad though for the people whose scores don't report on NASBA and therefore can't use the feature.


    @Steven yeah, agreed. I feel lucky to be in a NASBA state. Though our board only reviews license applications once per quarter so if I pass I still won't get processed until late April BUT I'm just going to focus on the positive of being done.


    I took REG on Feb 8 and I'm just waiting anxiously for my score…


    Definitely i'm certain it shifts by state. I connected to NY. what's more, OK that bodes well. Better believe it that cheat is very pleasant. I feel awful however for the general population whose scores don't provide details regarding NASBA and thusly can't utilize the element.


    Been obsessing about my first exam experience (FAR) going on 7 days now. Maybe sharing will help others, or maybe not… or maybe it will just help me to move on and not focus on this darn test for just a couple of days! Only 8 to go. Sheesh, feels like an eternity.

    Started studying for FAR in October using Roger’s materials. Finished the course, then went through the cram mid January. Did all the MCQs and Sims, including research and reviewed all right and wrong answers. Finished that and rewrote all my notes in a new notebook. 14 hour days studying on weekends and 2-3 hours per night during the week for 3 weeks leading up to d day, Feb 11. SmartPath said I was good in all areas. Still, was cramming up to the last second. Estimate I put in close to 200 hours.

    Test started at 7:30 am. Didn’t sleep well the night before, but still felt good enough to do it.

    Breezed through first set of MCQs in less than 30 mins and feeling good. Breezed through second set in 30 mins too (not sure how to take that). Started in on testlet 3 with 3 hours to go. Spent full 20 mins on research and kept thinking man these aren’t gimmes! Had a line on what to do with the rest of the questions but used the AL way more than I expected. Never even thought to do that when practicing, but it sure helped. Left nothing blank and at least made a good guess on the ones I wasn’t so sure on.

    So here’s the rub… I walked out of that test feeling like I’d been hit by a truck. I mean, I’m a grown man and I felt like crying. Called my wife and said I definitely failed.

    Did I do the calcs right? Did I get burned on the sneaky ones? On last question I did all the math and was about to hit submit 5 mins early when I said to myself, no use the time… checked my math and sure enough, I had used a variable in my head from the previous question. Scrambled to recalculate it all and triple check. Submitted pretty darn near the buzzer. But that’s only the one I caught.

    Felt like crap for two days. And of course, everyone asking and giving me empathetic looks only makes it worse. Then I see some of these posts saying swore I failed but I got a 98! Rub number two… now I have hope, which is making me obsess even harder.

    Either way I’m screwed. Pass and the clock starts ticking. Fail and I have to do it all over. Of course I would prefer the former, but this is just the first test. Ugh!

    Best of luck to all and thank you for sharing your experiences. Only wish I checked this board before I took my exam.

    Mission CPA

    @Otis I thought I would reply to ease your mind. If you studied you will be fine, and it sounds like you studied a ton! With that said, we are all our worst enemies and worst critics. This test beats every single one of us up at some point in one way or another. I am sure we have all walked out of this exam thinking we got hit by a truck. If you haven't, you are lucky! This is your first exam, you have got to be more positive in your outlook, or you will never get through it. The clock ticking is not as daunting as it seems. There is plenty of time if you make this exam your priority and do not take extended periods of time off and work your butt off! Try not to overthink it. Getting in your own head be it while studying for the exam or taking the exam will be your downfall if you let it. You got this! We have all been there. You are not alone.


    Thanks @Mission. Your words ring true.

    Fingers crossed, but with that I think I’ll start on studying for REG now, and forget about waiting till the 26th. I lose nothing by doing that no matter what my result is.

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