Failed FAR with 72

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    I used Becker and some extra MCQ to prepare. Can I sit again April 1st and just review Sims/McQ or wait until April 20th? My Becker expired also, so I’m not sure if I should repurchase it or just buy the final review? Thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated! This was my first attempt ☹️ What are my best next steps??

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  • #2273211

    72 isn't bad for a first try. I would start all over from the beginning and do as many MCQ's as possible. Whenever I am re-testing I start with the most awful/difficult area and get that out of the way. Also make sure to do the AICPA sample test, that's a great indicator of what you will have to be proficient in. If you have the time to devote and focus over the next 11 days I would get started immediately and sit for April 1st.



    I just failed FAR on my first attempt with a 65. I studied countless hours as I made it my full-time job to pass and I used only Roger. I found the MC to be fair and I did well on the exam. For the simulations, my mind was blown. So much info and thing I wasn't familiar with. Im not an accounting professional and was not super familiar with ledgers. Many prompts I did not know for sure which amounts to use and I felt if I got the first amount wrong, it would lead to all other amounts being wrong, so I was just lost.

    Any advice on how to study for SIMS the second time around? I did not find them to be comparable to ROGERs SIM practices, and feel lost as they could ask for really anything and give so many other things to distract you


    dude i'm in the same boat. failed with a 72 and its hard to get motivated. the first time I took it I screwed up and ended up leaving blank testlet 5 and ended up with a 67. then this time I got a 72. So hard to get back into studying the same stuff ive been looking at forever. really just want to learn something new


    That's not bad at all. I got a 61 on my first attempt and scored an 84 on the second try with minimal studying in between. The key is to retake the exam as soon as you can so you don't forget the information, at least for me that worked. Also, you might get an easier set of sims the second time around


    Thank you so much for your replies. I want to start studying again, and am regretting taking 10 days off. Really hoping i haven't forgotten everything…plus, yes, it's hard to get motivated again:/

    Since i can't even see my score until May 7th (is that right??) I may as well take the month and study from tomorrow until April 18th. I would love to take it on the 1st of April, but I think that May 7th score date is so far away from April 1st!

    Should I just re-purchase Becker again? Or purchase the final review?

    @JG, for SIMS, I used Becker and found them useful in solidifying all the other information. Especially for EPS and Gov't, NFP.

    Do ya'll think there will still be a lot of NFP/Gov't as usual?



    I took FAR in Q4 and got a 72, retook it 3/4 and just passed with an 81. My Becker expired also, but I didn't purchase the extension. I just used Ninja MCQ and read the updated Becker book. I focused on my weaker areas and did MCQ for about 3 weeks, wrote notes and rewrote them. I only spent maybe 1 day on SIMs. You definitely know the material. Just refresh on other topics and focus on what you don't know. Good luck!


    @JG, Rogers MC questions and sims are easier than actual exam. I supplemented NINJA with Roger plus AICPA sample test to pass FAR on second try after failing with 54. You can definitely do it but need to study smarter.


    appreciate the replies. I actually found the MC to be at least comparable and not much harder, sometimes just the occasional unfamiliar question. For me it was all the simulations, and I felt completely lost. I will consider getting Ninja Sims based on this info.


    First attempt at FAR, Failed with a 73, heart-broken! don't know where to start!


    Just some tips for studying process if it helps anyone at all

    Because far is so many calculations, I had a binder where i would work out one or two of each type of problem. Kind of treated it like a math class in high school.
    So say stock section had diff pages of :
    1) par value method + JEs
    2) cost method + JEs

    Ot was organized and easier to reflect back on and compare different methods

    I wasn't as organized with it tho, but by the time I studied bec, it was much better. I think this strategy helped me keep straight forward and quick to just reference esp. During review phase

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    Right there with ya @Dev12. What is your plan of attack now? When will you sit for the retake. I have one shot left at FAR before I lose BEC.


    72 is a solid score on your first try, dont be discouraged by that at all! I got a 69 on my first attempt, and passed with 77 on the second one. Best thing that helped me was focusing on my weak areas (NFP and Government acctg) and literally starting from scratch while making sure I dove into all the practice simulations. I used Becker, and they always say the examiners take “fiendish delight” in testing on NFP or Government and that was completely the case for me – there were so many MCQ's on those sections but obviously thats not going to be the case for each exam. I'd say drill the simulations and leave no detail unturned and you'll get through it! Best of luck!


    I feel like I can't even get motivated to study at this point. I have forgotten so much in two weeks!


    @Kris I am going to focus on my weaker sections per the score review report. how about you ?


    I failed Far with a 72 as well after using Becker. This is the 3rd time I failed. I am supplementing questions this time by using the NINJA MCQ's/Sims for $67/month. I listen to the audio in my car to/from work and while i'm working on tax returns using headphones! I'm taking this beast again after tax season as well. Hoping this will push me over the hump!

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