Failed AUD w/ 73 (first exam)

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    I failed Audit with a 73. It was my first CPA exam. I don’t know how I could possibly study any harder than I did for that exam. BEC makes AUD seem like kindergarten. If I can’t pass AUD, I’ll never pass BEC, REG, or FAR. I don’t even know why I posted this. I guess just to get it out of my system. Any suggestions of what I should do? I used Becker and I did everything they told me to do. I’m a hard worker. I didn’t just breeze through the stuff. I actually studied hard.

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    south0085, I know how you feel, I failed AUD 2X, and now I have to try for the 3rd time!!!!

    But I passed BEC (77), FAR (78) and REG (73,74,80)

    I believe the CURVE killed us!!! You have to try again!

    Don't let AUD throw your study schedule off…..

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    south0085 – I used Becker the first three times and didn't pass. I changed my study plans and failed two more times now. I will let the passing people give you advise on what to do next, but I wanted you to know don't give up and you are not alone. You had a very close score and they say that close you need to practice more from what I have read from others.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Thank you all. NJCPA2B – How did you come back on REG after failing? Do you use Becker?



    I failed today to, with a 66 second time failing audit. I know how you feel. I am going to try and change my review material. Used Becker twice. The questions were not familiar to me at all. I also could not study any harder, basically stopped working and I have a mortgage to pay. Its awful. I am skipping audit and trying Bec then Far then Audit last. I mean we study Audit last in college maybe there is something to say about that. I passed Reg this week but still feel like crap now because of Audit.



    kimandor – I am sorry to hear about your audit score. I have been there two many times before. You can do this so stay determined and don't let that grade get the best of you!!!!!!! :O)

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    south0085 –

    I know how you feel. I didn't pass AUD until the third time. I think the 73 was the worst of the scores I received on it because it's like, “we know you know the material, but you need to take it again and give us more exam and registration fees to really prove it.”

    I used Becker as well, and I think they do a good job with AUD. Their content is organized, the mnemonics are easy to understand and remember, etc… Look back on how you're studying. Are you learning the multiple choice questions or actually learning the material and theories behind the questions?

    I do every multiple choice question 3-6 times depending both how much time I have to prepare for the exam and how strong/weak I am in each area. To ensure that I wasn't learning only the multiple choice questions my third time around, I ordered the Yaeger CRAM and the Wiley 2010 book. I worked through all of the questions in that book during my last week of studying. Sure, some questions are exactly the same, but seeing them in print rather than in the same place on the computer screen did make a difference. The Yaeger CRAM was also great because it gave another prospective on the material that wasn't Becker's. Just be careful that the Yaeger mnemonics don't cause confusion.

    Just keep at it, you are so close that you can taste that 75. Good luck!


    I have really enjoyed the BISK material. I don't know of many other CPA candidates that use it but I have been really happy with it so far. I've passed each of the exams on my first try (though I won't take REG until the 11th of April). I'd recommend that program to anyone.

    Does anyone else have good/bad reports to give on BISK?


    Thank you to everyone for your posts thus far. I am really disappointed but like you said CowgirlNJ, I obviously know the material pretty well. I just need that extra kick to get over the 75 hump. I'm sure I will be able to do it next time. I have already started BEC, so I will continue with that and then FAR. After FAR, I will retake Audit. Maybe I should get the Wiley book as well to compliment my Becker questions like you said. Thank you.


    south0085, I used Yaeger Home Study for REG! I continue to use Yaeger becuase I knew where I choked!

    I changed my exam strategy on the 3rd time by not being stubborn with the MCQs trying to solve them all….my speed picked up because when I didn't know an answer, I guessed “b” and moved-on…

    I also avoided the RESEARCH trap, it's insane the amount of time you can waste trying to find the answer to get 1 or 2 points…..

    For written communications, I wrote a short novel ……

    The results for the above left alot of time for the SIMS….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    i think if you are studying the material and are really not getting it, you should talk to someone that has worked on more then one year end audit of a public and non-public client. my girlfriend just took the exam and while she was studying, she would get so frustrated over things I found extremely easy because all my auditing experience. I remember when I first started external audit, nothing made sense, it really helps to have people explain the stuff… it truly is a different language until you go through a couple audits, unless you are one of those people who can just read and grasp anything, although I will tell you I have worked with cpa's fresh out of university that are totally clueless when it comes to simple auditing techniques/tests. This person was very very “book smart” and scored over 90 on audit, yet had no idea how to apply it n the real world.

    FAR 11/13 - 78, BEC 1/13 - 82, AUD 2/23 - 94, REG 5/15 - 86

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