Elijah Watt Sells Award

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  • #159448
    AICPA – Monopoly

    After I received my final scores this week, people started mentioning the elijah watt sells award to me.

    I figured I would try to start a topic to keep track of another71’s high scorers so we can eventually report back and find the approximate total score needed.

    I also want to note that I am not trying to brag about my scores or anything like that. I was lucky enough to have 5 months between graduation and starting work that gave me a lot of time to study. I know that a lot of people on this forum are working and even raising families while studying and I didn’t have to deal with any of that.

    Thanks everyone!

    FAR-97 AUD-98 BEC-95 REG-99
    (IL-416)- I'm done!!!

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  • #267462

    Call up the AICPA and ask. Worth a shot to see if they will tell you the general scores. Well maybe after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Those are awesome scores!! Congrats!


    AICPA Monopoly – I believe you will receive the award (and all the perks included with it). Congrats on such wonderful scores.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I agree that those scores will almost definitely qualify you for the award. Congratulations on a job well done.

    REG - 97
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 86
    AUD - 96 ... DONE!


    A guy that I went to college with and work with won the award. He had all 99's except for BEC, which he scored a 97 on.


    I think there should be an award for the candidate who manages to score 75 on all exams. Otherwise change the Sells award to “Wasted effort” or “pat on the back” award.


    Good idea GayerT. I might be in the running for that. I have 2 75's and 1 76 and I will gladly take a 75 on REG.

    AICPA – Monopoly

    Thanks for all of the compliments! I'll report back if I ever get contacted about it.

    @GayerT – I have to respectfully disagree with your comments. I understand that the goal is to get a 75, but I don't think effort that results in a score above 75 is wasted. I've always been told that accounting is a knowledge-based business, so I would think that the extra effort would help in becoming a more knowledgeable professional. I also don't see it as much different than getting an A in a class versus a C. I think people who get an A have a right to feel like their effort meant something.

    @07 STI – That's insane! I know that everyone on here said 94 might be max for BEC but myself and Hoss both reported 95s this window. I can't even imagine how anyone could get a 97.

    FAR-97 AUD-98 BEC-95 REG-99
    (IL-416)- I'm done!!!


    From the AICPA website

    The Elijah Watt Sells award program was established in 1923 by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to recognize outstanding performance on the Uniform CPA Examination. Current criteria call for Sells awards to be presented annually to ten candidates. These candidates must have completed testing during the previous calendar year and passed all four sections of the Uniform CPA Examination on their first attempt, earning the highest cumulative scores. Only one Sells award category currently exists. Plaques from the AICPA are presented to all ten winners.


    GayerT – don't be a hater. Congrats Monopoly, terrific scores 🙂



    The award would have to be 75 for every test passing the first time around. Which means you optimized your studying ‘perfectly.' On the other hand I wanted to pass with certainty the first time around…so…

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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