Does anyone else suffer with crippling anxiety/depression dealing with the exam? - Page 2

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  • #2419236

    Just wondering. I know it sounds dramatic but it’s actually a real problem for me. To the point where I tried studying for the exam for 3 years and couldn’t get myself to take a part because I was scared I would fail. I even ended up signing up for one and having to cancel a few days before because I had thoughts of harming myself and ended up hospitalized.

    I finally took take AUD in October and passed with an 88. I took BEC beginning of March and passed with a 90. I recently took FAR and am waiting on my score release today and I am struggling with thoughts of suicide and having anxiety attacks because I’m scared of failing.

    Does anybody else get like this? Also I’m not judging others that fail, please do not take offense. This is my issue with myself. I wrap my entire self worth around passing because I hate my life and myself and don’t think I’m good at anything else. I know I’ve passed every time so far, but it’s a huge surprise to me each time because I don’t believe I’m good enough.

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