Do you guys have dreams about your score? - Page 2

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    I do, sometimes a couple of times a week. Sometimes its a passing score, sometimes a failing score. I also have dreams about the multiple choice questions haha.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • #228216

    Aside from the nightmares of the test taking and score release, while studying, I tend to work through MC questions in my sleep. My brain works throughout the night rehashing and analyzing. Most of it is jibberish but sometimes like during tax season, I will come in the next day and change a tax return because I thought of something in my sleep I had not considered prevoiusly.


    I dream for the past few days that I got an 85 on BEC…. Lets see next week when scores are released…!!!


    Ha! I had a dream I passed AUD. Let's hope it comes true. :O)

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    I always have dreams about doing and re-doing MCs. In my dreams, most times I can figure out the problems. Then when I wake up, I'm just like what was I doing. I think sometimes it's just stuff that my mind makes up b/c it doesn't always relate to what I was studying.. Maybe it's our brains sorting though the info we are all trying to learn. I did have a nightmare that I had to go take BEC and I wasn't prepared at all and I was telling my friend that it couldn't be the day we had to take the test. But, it was. And I knew nothing on the test. That was the worst of my dreams.


    I had a dream this week that I got a 2! Thought that was pretty entertaining.

    BEC (74,68,84)
    FAR (74,65,74,90)
    AUD (63,50,74,88)
    REG (74,70,81)


    I had a dream that I took the Bar Exam last night. Weird.


    i actually just had a dream last night about the CPA (only my 2nd time). the first time i dreamt about the CPA, it was that i didn't realize/overslept and came an hour late to my BEC exam and had to convince the test center to let me start….with an hour chopped off of my time!

    my dream last night was that they released the scores and my state had them posted but for some reason, even though my internet was working at home, i didn't have the direct link to the scores and this unhelpful man was giving my unhelpful instructions. so i went to the library (which looked NOTHING) like my library and tried getting on a computer but it was full of people, most of whom were doing other work but also printing out their scores. so i kept trying to get a computer but everytime i thought i got one, it wasn't really empty- girls kept leaving their extra sweaters to “save” their spots. so i just kept getting more and more annoyed since i only had to go on for a minute! and the whole time, some guy kept announcing on a mike something about jury duty and getting paid for it.

    it was such a strange dream!!! i can understand why i dreamt about not being able to access the link but the girls saving their spots with sweaters and the jury duty announcements? it's beyond me!! i never even served jury duty!


    When it gets close to my testing date I have dreams where I wake up late or can't get to the exam on time and they either won't let me test or I have almost no time at all and have to rush through the questions. I usually have my hair up in a towel because I don't have time to dry it before the test – lol, so weird.

    The other night I had a dream that I was taking the exam at home on my laptop at my kitchen counter and the test was open book…but I still didn't have enough time and ended up getting a 74. Then I went crying to my husband that I didn't want to do the CPA anymore and then, thankfully, I woke up.


    I got one of those realistic ones where you wake up and check your score and I got a 52 or 53 I could not tell because I was not wearing my contacts and then I focused in and saw it was a 15…….then I start thinking this is impossible this must be a nightmare then I woke…… online checked to see if my score posted but it hasn't yet…..the suspense of not knowing is so terrible it is ruining my sleep

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    I dreamed about my score…once. It was on the night that REG was “supposed” to be released to NASBA, but of course it did not. I dreamed that I checked my score online and it was an 86…I found out a week later that I really go t a 79. No biggie, though, I still passed. Let's see if I dream about my (failing) BEC score from April 2010…

    REG 79 (Becker); BEC 63 (Becker) 70 (Yaeger); AUD 66 (Becker; 11/30 - Becker); FAR 11/24 (Yaeger/Wiley)


    LOL! This is so funny because I dream about my scores and the exam all the time.

    I had a dream the other night that I was taking the BEC exam but they had all these computer monitors up in the room with video games that everyone else in the room was playing (with sound and everything!!) – it was SO distracting. Then I got all the way done with my exam and the computer crashed. The lady at the desk told me that they lost my exam, and I would have to come back tomorrow to re-take it! I was so angry – then I woke up! I was so glad that was a dream!

    I have had many dreams about failing and passing scores.

    AUD 96 ~ FAR 97 ~ REG 98 ~ BEC 92 I'M DONE!!!!

    The GaJone

    I had dreams about both my FAR and AUD scores the night NASBA released those scores but I didn't get mine (thankfully in both cases, NASBA posted my score the next day). It's tough not to dream about something when you think about it literally that entire day and night, and sit there and hit refresh for 2 straight hours only for your score to not come up, and then you go straight to bed. In both cases I had dreams about passing and failing scores, but thankfully passed both!

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    When I was waiting for REG, I totally had dreams about my score! Haven't had any score dreams lately, though.

    BEC - 89, REG - 82, AUD - 92, FAR - 86
    Woo hoo, I'm done!

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