Do you guys have dreams about your score?

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  • #157409

    I do, sometimes a couple of times a week. Sometimes its a passing score, sometimes a failing score. I also have dreams about the multiple choice questions haha.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • #228201

    Nightmares mostly.


    After I took the AUD exam about two weeks ago, I had a scary dream. I dreamt that in one of my simulations I was required to go to WalMart and do an audit in Spanish. I know a little Spanish, but wouldn't know how to say “in all material respects….” etc. Very weird. I woke up right away…….

    FAR 86, BEC 82, AUD 80, REG 83 Done, thank God - CA


    I've actually not been too bad with dreaming about the exam, studying, or scores. I credit pure exhaustion with that moreso than anything else.


    OH yes haha. When I was taking FAR, I dreamt about it every night. Usually I was required to make my own MC questions, but then I was unable to answer my own questions so I was freaking out.


    Kind of like daydreaming about winning the lottery….I'll occasionally think….”what if I pull a 76 off on both my next exams…..then what?” I've been doing this now for 2 1/2 years.

    We all know that MOST everything we are “regurgitating” (for lack of a better word) on the exam, we will either not use or not encounter in real life. Adverse Opinions, Disclaimers, embedded derivatives, etc…. Anyone who's a CPA right now will tell you they've forgotten most of what they had to learn when they took the exam.

    So I don't “dream” about the exams at all…….but I do find myself “day-dreaming” at times about what it'll be like when I pass it!


    Yeah, I dreamed they graded the exams & announced when they would be released but it got pushed back one day at a time for several days with “technical issues”. No wait, I was awake & that was the last two out of three sections.

    I had a dream inside a dream the other night. I sat at the computer & checked my grade & got a 75. Just as I jumped out of my chair that I had passed all 4 parts I woke up from that dream & had to go check it to see. That time it was a 65 then I woke for real. It was not a good dream. I do daydream also about getting a passing grade then the paperwork going through, getting notice that I have been approved & certified and that big certificate on the wall.


    This is so funny!!! Dreams about your scores. You guys would not believe that how much I dream about these tests. In fact, I lost my only girlfriend that I had in a battle against the CPA . Horrible 🙂

    BEC - 82 Reg-87 Aud - 86 Far - 81 (THANX THE LORD)
    (Dr CPA (Asset)
    Cr Life) 😉 (revenue)


    I definitely know what you mean. Every night before the exam, I can never get enough sleep because I keep waking up due to dreams (or nightmares) about the multiple choice questions or simulations. The way I look at it, its kinda helpful…you get some extra studying done while you are asleep haha

    BEC 8/15/09 - 86
    FAR 1/23/10 - 92
    AUD 3/05/10 - 83


    I have nightmares about the formulas in BEC. So far REG isn't keeping me up at night. I'm actually kind of enjoying studying it as it relates to what I'm doing right now.


    Ughh,, and not just the scores which I seriously think about on a hourly basis,… i've had dreams where I was seriously doing or analyzing “problems” from the Wiley book and the thing is i wouldn't remember what i did when i woke up… and its tax time so i'm dreaming about that!!!!


    I had a dream after my second time at taking AUD that I received a score of 14. I drove myself to the state's accounting board and demanded to see the questions that I had missed and their answers. Then I started yelling and cursing at the lady because she wouldn't show me. So I started reciting exact questions from the exam that I knew I had gotten right and their answers. And after I had listed about 20, I yelled “That is worth more than a 14 I know!” Then I woke up panicking!


    back in august when they had the first “wave 2.5” for the FAR release, i was checking for my score every night for about 8 weeks. that was so brutal, there were like 10 nights in a row where NASBA swore they were going to release scores. And scores pretty much got released every day for a few days staright. i would wake up on my own at 3am just to check if it was there. i had dreams that i checked it and i passed, and when I actually woke up, I wasn't sure if it was a dream or not.

    Ended up passing.


    This is so funny! I just had a nightmare (recurring) the other night that I went to the board of examiners website (IL) to see my score and it was failing, and I kept going in and out of the internet to see if it changed. It changed everytime to a different failing score. I attribute that to the fact that every second of the day that I am not studying FAR / working I keep day dreaming of what it would be like to see a passing score on that screen or what might my score be when I actually receive it. Since I have waited 9 weeks 2 days (1/5) so far for AUD the stress from waiting so long is starting to interupt my sleep, and everything I do.

    Plus after my 11/09 attempt at audit three nights later I was analyzing my exam in my dreams, I woke up, sat straight up, and remembered I never hit spell check in either of my communications tab. It was true…when I got my score I lost my written points which had never happened before. I know I type fast so I miss letters sometimes and I did proofread 3x, but I ran out of time so I did them both on the fly. I could bet I skimmed over something.

    I am so glad I am not alone. I have had several nights like this. It is good to know it is not just me doing questions in their sleep. :O)

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson



    I never dream about my score but I have nightmare every night after the exam and keep doing questions over and over in my sleep. I hope this nightmare end soon.


    Free0911 – I hope so too! Sooner not later that is for sure. I have three more exams to go if I passed AUD. I just don't know if I can take many more months of this.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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