Didn\'t Pass FAR…Help!

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  • #2648673

    Well I did not pass FAR. I am going to start restudying for it immediately. I do not know where to begin though. Anyone who has had to retake a section, how do you suggest restudying? What did you do differently and what did you find helped you most?

    That was the first section and first CPA exam I had taken so I am bummed and disappointed, but very eager to start again and pass the next time. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2648691

    When your score report appears on the SSO, use it to see where you were weaker in, and concentrate on those topics as well as reviewing your stronger topics to not forget them and have switched results.


    I was in your same boat! I failed FAR first time and it was my first test ever. I used Becker regular review the first time around and only focused on MCQ not sims because many people kept saying that it was a waste of time as you aren't likely to see sims laid out in same manner. THe second time around I purchased FInal review and did lots of MCQs AND sims. For my mind, i need to see a topic asked in a different manner and more complex, who cares if it isn't going to be the same way on the test, the point is to learn it so you can answer the question about that topic any way it is asked so sims helped train my mind to think outside of the box and really tested my knowledge of the actual topic. I did not redo lectures but I did do the skills practice questions, not the mini lecture in there unless I really was struggling getting it, and redid every single MCQ for each module. I read the book again cover to cover and took notes on what I read. I was consistent with reviewing those notes every night and doing progress test at least every 3 days of all the material I had previously covered before (something i did not do my first time). The key to these tests is to not forget what you already learned! I was working full time on my retake and I took about 4 or 5 weeks to review all of the material again. You got this!! You have a good attitude about it and that definitely helps!

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