Dealing with the stress

  • This topic has 11 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by N4.
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  • #1452837

    How does everyone deal with the stress of waiting to find out the results and also deal with the stress when your next test is a few days away.

    I am re-taking BEC (68 back when i took it in Sept 2016) on superbowl sunday and then I am also finding out my results from REG on February 7th. I am freaking out about both dates and was wondering if any one had good ways to calm down.

    Appreciate any input

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  • #1452866

    I handle this scenario by reminding myself that the test I've taken has already been scored, I just haven't seen the results yet. Worrying about it isn't going to change that score and there's nothing else I can do except wait.

    What I can do, however, is focus on studying for my upcoming test. I can control the outcome of this test and should focus on it, instead of worrying about something over which I no longer have control.


    For me personally, stress is not a big part of my personality. Mentally or physically, stress and anxiety has never been a major concern of mine.

    It's just how my personality came to be. As for waiting on the test score, there's just nothing you can do after you hit that submit button. If I felt slightly stressed over waiting on my test score, I would just subconsciously tell myself, “Well I did the best I could…nothing I can do besides pass time until the scores are released.”

    There are obviously other external ways to reduce stress such as staying active and exercising or listening to music and finding a hobby/distraction. But at the end of the day, it's still a waiting game! Good luck to you (I am waiting on my BEC score release on the 23rd…*fingers crossed*)


    I am also waiting for my score on the 7th. Its tough because I spent many months and hours studying for the exam and don't feel confident that I passed. With that being said, you have to realize it's over. Just wait for it. Stressing about it won't change the score. In the end, it's just an exam. These exams don't really show your skill in accounting, more your ability to cram stuff into your brain. Relax and know that regardless of what your exam score is, you've probably learned a lot during your studies and are a better professional because of it!


    thanks for the feedback everyone.


    I'm right there with you. Get FAR score back on the 7th. Have BEC on the 18th and having a terrible time studying for BEC. mostly because I keep reading people's cram success stories and feel like I can cram for BEC too. A nervous, distracted wreck here.

    shawn in VA

    I find it odd/interesting/funny when posters put their picture up (i.e. Sallybean) , but include their spouse or significant other in that picture. Is the reasoning to show the spouse is showing support through the CPA journey of the poster/CPA candidate ? Just curious.


    I take medication, listen to music, go for walks, and chill with my dogs to relieve stress. I agree, this process is very stressful and is borderline insanity at times. Waiting for your score definitely sucks, but if you did everything possible to try to pass your exam, then you shouldn't worry too much. I've been waiting for my AUD retake for over a month and it has sucked. But, I believe I passed because I made huge sacrifices to pass it on my retake. Goodluck and remember Everyone else feels just like you do. This process is pretty brutal, but it will be worth it in the long run!


    I internalize stress a lot (which turn into gnarly stomach issues) but what I have found helpful is actually essential oils. Sounds hippie, but Bath and Body Works has an aromatherapy section with a line literally called “stress relief.” It's eucalyptus/spearmint scented everything. I have it in shower gel, hand cream at my desk where I study, and even a pillow mist. If you work it into your routine, sit for a minute and let it soak in, along with using the above suggestions (of being positive, you aren't alone on the CPA journey, and that you can do this) it really all gets you to a good state of mind. And I'm not even a hippie I swear. Totally worth it.

    And to add to the other sort of encouragement, I get my AUD score on 2/23, and if I pass, my 2/27 could be my last test. If I don't, the psyche will take a hit for my REG (4th) attempt on 2/27 and BEC expires 4/26. I'm almost in a major pickle. You are not alone! (going to go to bed and spray my pillow mist now 🙂 )

    BEC - 74, 77
    FAR - 72, 71 (retake 7/29)
    REG - 69
    AUD - Q4 '16

    CA Candidate


    I had planned to give myself 2 weeks after I sat for BEC, but the anxiety over the score for that test drove me to sign up for next part (AUD) two days later and start studying immediately. Focusing on the next section is keeping my anxiety and stress levels at bay for now…I have to wait until 23rd to find out my score….


    I slow down on studying a few days before the exam and try to relax as much as possible–watching TV, exercising, etc. I found that, for me, I'm pretty much done studying the Friday before the exam (I always take my exam on a Monday).


    Well when i was between exams i would just focus on my next exam. Now that i have no more exams to study for my until i get my results I just enjoy netflix focus on work etc and visit this site to stay sane 🙂

    Four days preceding exam i would make a list of important topics memorize formulas fc and do mcq and master each important area. Good luck!

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)

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