dealing with post exam anxiety

  • Creator
  • #2832162
    I can and I will

    Hi there- just took reg today for the second time. Could be my final test, or will be an expire of BEC and then I’m back at 50%.

    How do you guys deal with this pain/anxiety/stress ? would love to hear advice. 🙁 I’d say the in between waiting period is worse than the actual studying or taking of the test. My brain is going crazy. I got some MCQS today that were totally messed up , I felt like my second testlet did get harder- and I felt solid about my sims (got research for sure)

    but even with all that- I feel so anxious and I know this is going to be the longest two weeks ever 🙁

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  • Author
  • #2832291

    Deep breath and a stiff drink. I'm sure you did great!


    Agreed. I’d take two months of studying over the waiting period all day long. I’m currently waiting on my 3rd test score and am going nuts.

    I applaud those that can study for their next exam before getting a score back… I certainly can’t focus enough to do so.

    Sounds like you nailed it though! Best of luck!


    Hello ALCOHOL?
    JK, I find it very helpful to work out. Sweat the stress out, tire yourself out and before you know it, its been 2 weeks.


    I usually smoke a doobie and that helps calm them nerves down a bit.


    Quit the job and go to destination vacation. Welp.

    AUD 7/3
    BCE 81
    REG 7/15
    FAR 8/18


    I know the feeling even though I have not passed a test yet my experience dates back a long time especially in 2017 with the exam changes I had to wait close to three months to get my failing grade

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