Credit Requirement Confusion… please help!

  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #159835

    I signed up and was approved to sit for the CPA exams last year. I graduated with 120 credits & a major in Accounting.

    I know there are alike a million changes with the AICPA testing now, but I was wondering if anyone knows the new credit requirements? Does it mean that if I do not pass by the end of the year I have to go back to school to get 30 credits??

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  • #269938

    I live in Pennsylvania by the way


    PA still has the 120 credit hour requirement. I believe if you pass at least one section before the 150 credit hour requirement kicks in you will be “grandfathered” in under the 120 credit rule. But keep in mind that if after you get licensed in PA and want to move to another state with the 150 credit hour requirement and get licensed there, you will have to go back to school to fulfill the extra credits.

    Bottome line, in PA get one section passed before the new requirement kicks in!


    I had no idea some states still had the 120 hour requirement! WA state has been at 150 since 2000!

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!


    I find it hard to believe you get “grandfathered” in, become as CPA under the old rules, and try to get licensed under a different state and they make you get those 30 extra credits or whatever your actual amount is. Maybe that is the case but it just doesn't make sense to me.

    I am also in Pennsylvania and was going to get licensed in NJ too.


    All-The only thing that is uniform about becoming a CPA is the CPA exam. The states sets their own eligibility and experience requirements. For example not all states require the ethics exam to get license. There are still a few states that only require the 120 hours. Some states require you to work directly for a CPA for your experience while others require only a CPA to have knowledge of your work for your experience. Some states require specific audit experience and other states it does not matter. The bottom line is that you need to look at each states requirements to be license in that state. I am from Indiana and I can tell you Indiana's requirements.


    When do one take the Ethics exam? Is it after you pass all parts of the exam or can take prior to? In California; how does one get the requirements / process?

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