CPA Spouses and Loved Ones —

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  • #158509

    Hi All —

    So i’m a spouse of a CPA candidate — i have seen him 6 times in the last 2 months, cooked over 60 meals, attended numerous family functions/parties/occasions/weddings stag (it’s kind of weird, almost feels like i’m single again), have refrained from saying “I’m Sure You Passed” on multiple occasions, have screened phone calls from Uncles/Aunts/Cousins/InLaws who actually say “I’m Sure You Passed (I can see how that gets under your skin),” done more laundry with pencil stains on the cuff of his sleeves than i ever imagined, have learned more about this grading process (ie non-process) than possible, and now as we are 2 exams into it all (passed REG!!! and BEC score coming in Sept Wave 2), i would like to think that i’m not the only one out there!

    All of you taking the exam and preparing incessantly, keep it up!! You’re doing an amazing job, and for all those loved one’s out there supporting these crazy people :), keep it up as well, b/c deep down they definitely appreciate it!

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  • #239245

    Haha thanks CPABoo… we really do appreciate it even though we never say it, the people who really realize what we put into this exam are the ones that live with us! Trust me we are just as excited as you to start doing dishes and yard work again :), not to mention watching TV with you without feeling guilty (that's the worst).

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    My wife and I are going through a similar situation, but even more frantic!. She's a medical doctor and studying for the USMLE step ( the medical license) and im studying for the cpa, while doing an MBA….. Now we never go out, or have a life……

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Thanks CPABoo, for the encouraging words 🙂 My husband has been very supportive and helpful. Yes, had it not been for the support of my husband and daughter I do not think I would have been able to even begin this challenging task. Now, at this point hoping that I am able to complete it by the end of 2010.


    CPAboo- I am with you! I live on this website and I am not an accountant, nor talking the CPA!! Reading these blogs helps provide me with the information needed to get through this horrible process that my boyfriend is going through!


    Thank you ladies you the encouraging words. It means a lot to see other people's spouses who are caring and supportive enough to completely understand this awful process of getting those three little letters behind our names to post such a nice message. I truly appreciate it. I totally agree with CPAboo about us being crazy people. lol. My husband is in his fourth year of medical school and just finished taking step 2. (Yay!) So now he has a ton of free time after he gets home from the hospital and I am soooo jealous. It also makes it super hard to start studying again. Anyways, again, thank you for posting. I'm going to get my butt back to studying. Goodluck to all of you!

    REG - 78 Expired 11/24/11 - Oct/Nov 2013
    FAR - Retake for the 5th time - Jan/Feb 2013
    BEC - Retake for the 4th time - April/May 2013
    AUD - Retake for the 3rd time - July/Aug 2013


    CPABoo just stay next to your man 🙂 It's awesome to hear. What can I say about my experience with this exam..just a horrible experience. I'm married and have not attended any family events in a year. I just took my last part and hopefully I passed. I passed 3 already. I truly hope. I miss my life!!! I feel that my husband who has nothing to do with accounting is going to start doing MCQs with me 🙂 He stresses out as much as I do for this CPA exam. The other day when I was checking my Reg score I thaught I was having a heart attack. Thank god it was a good news 🙂 This process is horrible for those going through it and their families as well. My son had wrote me numerous letters in the past year how he doesn't see me etc. Very sad 🙁 He is only 10 but as involved in my exam as anyone else. I breath, live, and whatever else CPA exam for the past year. I hate it with passion! Hopefully there is an end to this monster.



    Appreciate the kind words….I met my gf in October of last year and started Becker in January of this year…I'm sure she would empathize with you…her father unexpectedly passed away two weeks before I took REG, so that put a huge strain on her (obviously) as well as me balancing my personal and professional lives…as you can see in my sig, I've been through each test once and failed Audit pretty badly

    After REG I was able to take a bit of a break and be a normal person again, which made a huge difference…although it's making it a bit difficult to get back into the process…fortunately I'm only a year removed from school, so I can still get back into “study mode”

    I had heard of this site from when my brother took the exam, but I only recently got on here to read the forums…it seems like a great online support group that I wish I would have found back in January…anyway, if there were two things I could tell the collective significant others of candidates they would be 1)hang in there, believe it or not, it'll be over soon and 2)while sometimes it may not appear to matter, your support makes a HUGE difference

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 85
    REG - 77

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