Official October/November 2010 Score Release Thread - Page 6

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  • #158831

    @suzzette1 – waiting on FAR in CA as well…nothing yet

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  • #259519

    Jeff – Is there any chance of a BEC scores being released by NASBA tonight? Or should I just resign myself to waiting for monday or tuesday…. I


    Wouldn’t be surprised if the AICPA exam scorers are overwhelmed by the surge of exam takers in Q4. Still, exam takers in Q1 – Q3 of 2011 will have it even worse b/c scores will be release in one wave, after the close of each window… Really hoping I won't have to retake anything and suffer the longer wait.


    LMAO @ hide your kids and hide your wife!!!!!!!

    I feel this is the longest day of my life. Just want to get this score!!!!!!!!!!!

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    Just reading into Jeff's posts…

    BEC AICPA release prediction for today was a prediction.” – gonna go out on a limb and say that BEC was not realeased today do to this comment and also “but I won't be shocked if the AICPA was tricksy.” Jeff has insights into both NASBA and the AICPA so this would mean to me that his prediction WAS JUST a prediction means that he has no solid evidence that BEC was released by the AICPA, unless the “AICPA was tricksy” meaning his insiders did not let him know, but they did actually release…

    Just a guess trying to read into it… I am also guessing that the new news is that NASBA will begin releasing on the same day that the AICPA releases, cant wait for the video update though!

    What is strange is that they are making the process more efficient just to let it die next window… since there will only be one release window why does the process need to be more efficient all of the sudden. Also Read Jeff's post on the loophole, sounds like this will not be able to be used anymore after this period. This could be in conjunction with NASBA releasing on the same day. Definitely gets some thoughts going… Good luck again to everyone!

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    I'll just say that I don't think we're going to see any BEC scores whatsoever until Monday…just reading the tea leaves on this one…I think my prediction is going to prove fallible.

    “Enjoy” your weekend ?


    …hide yo husband too, cuz they're waiting everyone out here…


    I like the in-depth analysis, Trevor :). The single wave score release will only be temporary and is expected to last through the 3rd window in 2011, while the AICPA resolves possible kinks in anticipation of a more efficient score release process. Here's the link to the memo that I read:

    Fighting Illini CPA

    “…any BEC scores whatsoever”??? So not even indy states??? Noooooooooo!

    FAR 91
    AUD 86
    BEC 84
    REG 74, 75!


    Thanks and thanks for that memo!

    Thanks Jeff, you too

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    This is my first time checking for my score. Is it as simple as putting your section # and birth date?

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    sure is….

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    So I can at least sleep this weekend……..for BEC, is it a good thing when your testlets got a lot harder with each one?

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    BEC testlets are not adaptive as they are in all other sections…

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05


    Actually BEC is the only section where the testlets don't get progressively harder based on performance. For every other section if the testlets get harder it means you did well on the previous one.

    150 credits - 05/30
    FAR - 96 - 7/30 BEC - 90 - 8/31
    REG - 10/23 AUD - 11/24
    1st Day of Work - 11/29


    Does the Ohio loophole only work if you are waiting for your final exam? I have sat 3, passed 1 to date, awaiting results on 2 (BEC and FAR) and have an NTS for the final one.

    Will the loophole not work for me…? I'm a PA candidate.

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