@ Georgina, that'd be great! All my acquaintances in the big 4 are not my close friends. I met a lot of these individuals at an accounting conference so didn’t think it was appropriate to ask for benefits before I’m even offered a position. I’m hoping my friends would hurry up and get hired in an accounting firm so I can ask probing questions.
I can imagine what you are going through. I graduated in May of this year from a school that didn't have a formal recruit arrangement with the big 4. I'm told that it'll be difficult to get into the big 4 now which is one of the reasons for my looking at a large firm other than the big 4. If i get into law school, i may get a chance to go to a recruiting event. I'm also working full time, but even worse than you, i work in a non-accounting field. I'd have to get my 2k hrs of experience from scratch to get my license. From what I hear, our best bet is to get our resumes submitted through an inside person. I’m going to finalize my resume after I get results for my 3rd section of the exam. Just hoping it’ll be good news and hopefully having 3 parts of the CPA down will help move my resume towards the top of the pile.