Official October/November 2010 Score Release Thread - Page 489

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  • #158831

    @suzzette1 – waiting on FAR in CA as well…nothing yet

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  • #266769

    MO released BEC last night. Waiting on Audit as well.

    AICPA – Monopoly

    Finally received a score in IL for BEC! Has anyone in IL seen a REG score yet? Hoping to finish this up by the holidays

    FAR-97 AUD-98 BEC-95 REG-99
    (IL-416)- I'm done!!!


    Anyone have any news at all about score releases in CA??? Another unpleasant score release, even though the AICPA apparently tried this time…

    AUD - 7/31 - 83
    FAR - 8/27 - 91
    BEC - 10/30 - 90
    REG - 11/27 - 95


    What time does the night release of old NASBA states start? I am thinking about properly timing the six pack for it. Hope to see AUD and FAR scores tonight!

    B - 58, 78 (Expired), 76
    A - 57, 75
    R - 37, 49, 65, 71, 61, 87
    F - 61, 71, 77


    @AICPA MONOPOLY, 95 on BEC???!!!!! I Believe that's the highest reported score for BEC on these forums. Congrats!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    @ AICPA-monopoly:

    “FAR-97 AUD-98 BEC-95 REG-??” – very impressive scores so far, especially that one for FAR (I've managed to use far/for three times in one sentence, lol!)

    Were you able to actually finish the FAR exam (like both sims)? I think you are both smart and fast test-taker.



    To all my fellow Hoosiers, its no surprise that IN is taking so long to post scores.

    My REG score for wave 2 of July/August was delayed. I agree with a previous poster's assumption that IN releases one section per day, or close to it. My REG score was finally available at 2:30 am on a Thursday after NASBA released scores on a Tuesday. Don't worry Hoosiers, scores will come soon.

    My best wishes are with the snail mail candidates. I'd suggest you forget about anything and everything CPA until the scores arrive. You will feel much better if you take that exam weight off your mind for a little while and enjoy the holidays.

    Good luck everyone!

    -Passed all four sections of CPA exam in 2010 using Becker.
    -Former Seasonal Audit Senior with Big Four accounting firm.
    -Plan to sit for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)


    @ Hoosier. Do you believe in the loophole? Have you tried it? Did you try My Application (OASIS)? I hope that we both see passing scores for FAR tonight! Good luck!

    B - 58, 78 (Expired), 76
    A - 57, 75
    R - 37, 49, 65, 71, 61, 87
    F - 61, 71, 77


    if all scores have been released from the AICPA how come I don't have my REG score from TN?


    finished my last final for my masters…. now I am back to worrying about my cpa exam score… MD is horrible!!!

    Maryland Candidate:
    REG: 73(11/2010) 84 (01/2011)
    BEC: 65 (5/11) 01/22: 79!!
    AUD: 85 (08/2011) FAR: 81 (11/2011)


    I feel bad for you guys still waiting… it took IL forever to post scores, but I'm glad they finally did.

    FAR-89; AUD-89; BEC-85; REG-2011



    @round 1, I know you weren't asking me directly, but I just wanted to let you know that I finished FAR with an hour to spare. But, if you didn't finish, never fear, my friend got an 84 and she didn't finish the second sim! Good luck.


    NASBA site is loading considerably slower for me than it was last night…maybe that's a good thing? #FAR #IN #lastsection


    @ Emily:

    Thanks for your reply. WHAT? You've got 95 and was able to finish FAR with AN HOUR to spare?! Sorry for using capslock :-), but that's the only way to show my profound astonishment. Unbelievable achievement!

    I think it's comforting for many persons here (waiting for scores) what you said about your friend. I also left the 2nd sim almost empthy (ran out of time) and was able to pass FAR with a 79 (advisory yet) score. I was literally slapping my face in order to get more alert during this exam: I think the camera guy laughed a lot when seeing that video. I'm just a slow test-taker…, yet managed to get 88's for the other three parts. Never-ever was able to finish an exam. But I'm DONE now!!!


    AICPA – Monopoly

    @herbert7890 – I was surprised. I frequent the forums and people have said the max is 94. Since I'm still waiting on REG, I've been wondering if it's actually my REG score. Thanks for the congrats- I'll let everyone know if it changes or anything.

    @round1 – Thanks for the complement! I had to wait 5 months after graduating for my work start date so studying became my life. I have a lot of respect for everyone on here who goes through this monster with work, kids, etc. To answer your question, I used every second on FAR and finished about 10 seconds early.

    FAR-97 AUD-98 BEC-95 REG-99
    (IL-416)- I'm done!!!

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