To all my fellow Hoosiers, its no surprise that IN is taking so long to post scores.
My REG score for wave 2 of July/August was delayed. I agree with a previous poster's assumption that IN releases one section per day, or close to it. My REG score was finally available at 2:30 am on a Thursday after NASBA released scores on a Tuesday. Don't worry Hoosiers, scores will come soon.
My best wishes are with the snail mail candidates. I'd suggest you forget about anything and everything CPA until the scores arrive. You will feel much better if you take that exam weight off your mind for a little while and enjoy the holidays.
Good luck everyone!
-Passed all four sections of CPA exam in 2010 using Becker.
-Former Seasonal Audit Senior with Big Four accounting firm.
-Plan to sit for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)