CPA Exam Score Release Q2 2014 (Indie States) - Page 7

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  • #575722

    Thanks NJPRU and all the other hiyas! It amazes me how you really never know until score release.

    NJPRU Good luck in your final review. I know you got this! I'll be rooting for ya…



    @IdreamofCPABonus–The FAR Family is basically everyone that actively participated in the Q2 FAR Study Group thread. We just had a great group with lots of support. Good luck on your FAR journey. You can do it!


    @Howmanyletters–CONGRATS! Now go kick BEC's butt. I'll see you in the Q3 REG group!


    Thanks so much @CPAMommy I will become more active because it seems like a great support system!!!

    God Help Me!
    AUD 77 - Expires 4/3/16, BEC - Retake July 2015, FAR - AUG 2015, REG - Retake Oct 2015
    Using Becker and Ninja
    Proverbs 3:5-6


    Hi guys. Sadly, I didn't make it. I was up at 6am but went back to sleep cus I kept waking up all night. Had a dream right before waking up that I got an 88 with Weaker in all areas and Stronger in SIMS… weird. Anyway, feeling bad and confused. I am not sure what to do at this point. I think I need to change my materials or something… maybe the Ninja MCQ will be my saviour? I know I used Wiley Test Bank for all the others when I passed, but my subscription expired.

    All my FAR study buddies passed except me! How can this be! I knew I didn't do well on my SIMs, but I didn't even get any “Strongers” in MCQ this time. Huh! Strange. Weird exam off-day or something. FAR is terrible. Scheduling for July 19 after I find it in me to add another $250 to my credit card for fees.

    Supposed to go to a big birthday beachside mansion party today in a few hours and not feeling it.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    I'm sorry to hear about that samdiego. I know you can do this. Have a couple days of mourning and then attack FAR with a vengance in Q3. I know you will pass in July and have a fabulous summer. I just know it. Get Kricket to pull out her cajun voodoo for you!


    @CPAMom, yeah I am gonna start in a couple weeks again. My parents come out to visit the week of 4th of July so I have to plan for that as well. While I feel I could have passed it a year ago with the information I have now, it is obviously changing a lot more so I need to get updated materials. I was typing up my Roger book from 2012 and adding in everything from there, but I feel it might be getting too outdated now with the level of detail the exam goes into. Boooo… Seriously looking into the Ninja package now! (Along with the Wiley book I have for 2014) BTW, going to miss all you guys in the FAR thread! Thanks for all the encouragement, you all are such a great group.

    KRICKET, help me! I have two more tries til AUD goes away (srsly never thought I'd be in this position of losing credits! I passed my last one 6 months ago already, wow)

    @kudawudashuda WHY ARE WE THE SAME PERSON? We are seriously on the same exact journey.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    Sorry to hear that sam! Rock em dead in Q3!




    Has IL posted yet?


    Nope. IL hasn't posted yet. I just checked a second ago.

    IL Candidate

    AUD - 98 (11/11/13)
    BEC - 69 (4/19/14); 83 (7/21/14)
    FAR - 88 (11/26/14)
    REG - 90 (2/26/15)

    Ethics - 98 (3/9/15)

    Using the CPAexcel review course and Wiley Test Bank.


    samdiegoCPA, sorry to hear that, you will definitely get it next time. I think you should take the exam the first week of July, not later and get it out of the way while the material is fresh in your mind. Ninja MCQ is a great buy for sure since you have to pay for the exam fees on top of it and don't have WTB. Email me at my username at g mail if you like.

    AUD: 73, 81! Thank you Lord!
    BEC: 73, 77! Thank you Lord! and WTB
    REG: 71, 82! Thank you Lord! and A71
    FAR: 72, 78! Thank you God and my Mommy in Heaven!

    CPA Excel, Ninja Notes & Audio, Wiley Test Bank, CPAreviewforfree


    @teetee thanks! I would do early July, but my parents will be here til the 5th and then I'll need a few more days to really review. Once it gets closer, I might change things around depending on how I feel. I've kept note of your email 🙂

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    FAR 540 IL

    Still waiting in Illinois

    AUD - 76!
    REG - 66, 78!
    BEC - 69, 69, 75!
    FAR - 70, 73, 79!
    Ethics Test - 98!

    ILBOE Certificate of Certified Public Accounting issued May 5, 2014
    State of Illinois License effective August 1, 2014

    CPAexcel, CPAreviewforfree, Ninja Notes


    RacerGirl you had my heart jumping thought maybe IL released the scores lol

    God Help Me!
    AUD 77 - Expires 4/3/16, BEC - Retake July 2015, FAR - AUG 2015, REG - Retake Oct 2015
    Using Becker and Ninja
    Proverbs 3:5-6


    BEC 536 IL – nada yet

    @Racergirl if you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for you to prepare for the Ethics exam? I was hoping to save that until after I pass all 4 parts, but I might need a little “break” from this REG material.

    B - 80 (Apr '14)
    A - 83 (Jan '14)
    R - 74, 73, 79 (Nov '14)
    F - 68, 70, 78 (Oct '13)

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