I just logged in. 78!
Does anyone know, does it take awhile for CA to update the “credit status information”? Because it still says no credit on everything… Now I'm second guessing myself. 78 is greater than 75, right? And no one changed the rules; I still only needed a 75 or higher?
CPA (MA, Non-Reporting)
The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting - Walt Disney
B - 33, 71, 79!
A - 32, 61, 70, 83!
R - 33, 58, 73, 69, 81!
F - 47, 78! 🙂
After 3 long years, I'm finally DONE!
I could not have done it without NINJA MCQs.
Used: Roger for his Videos, WTB, and NINJA Audio, Notes and Test Bank.