Hoping to get some advice…
I took FAR back in April & found out I failed in august. Since the score release time was so long, I moved on to study BEC, which I just took on Sept. 7th. I had rescheduled to take FAR again at the end of October, but now I am second guessing it.
Should I wait to see if I passed BEC or not? If I did not pass should I retake BEC before I retake FAR and push off my FAR retake later on? Or should I study FAR to retake end of october and in the event I failed BEC take that after?
P.S. Since I took far so long ago, I feel I need to basically start all over as far as studying goes- probably taking me longer then 4 weeks to prep for it.
Thanks in advance!
B:waiting for Q3 score release