CPA Exam Score Release Q3 2017 - Page 2

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    While prepping for my last exam, I was feeling tired and wanted to just take it easy. it was worse with everyone enjoying the summer and going on vacations. But just being done with this process made me go extra hard the final two weeks. I probably did 50 hours in the last 2 weeks compared to like 60-70 hours in the first five.

    This last exam felt like the easiest for me, hopefully there is good news lol.


    I was wondering if this thread would've already started. This is the last one that will affect me, hopefully. How are y'all feeling about the new exam? I actually think it's not so bad.

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    the new exam is the only exam experience I have, but I'll say I had it hyped up to be worse in my head than it actually was… one of my mistakes was overly relying on everyone elses experiences to shape mine. Tough test, but absolutely doable with the right plan.

    I'm waiting on REG and BEC in Sept. I spent too much time studying for FAR and AUD that I was burnt out for these, so hoping for the best. They were more challenging for me than the first two.

    Good luck to everyone, looking forward to my cup of coffee from olinto !


    TBH I felt like the new exam was easier than the old exam. I used to leave the MC sections feeling like I failed and wondering why Becker only covered 40% of the material I saw. With the new exam, I thought the MC questions were relatively easy and followed along with Becker. The simulations were tough, but thats the same under old or new format. The fact that it felt easier scared the crap out of me because they say if you feel like its easier you failed, ended up turning out okay with REG, hoping for the same result with FAR.


    Ok guys, I haven't even taken my test in Q3 and I'm already starting to feel nervous about this score release. Anyway, REG scheduled next Tuesday. If everything goes well, this will be my last test!


    I've been in full-fledged Hail Mary mode for REG. I have four days left to get through this review book (reading only), then going HAM sandwich on MCQs and Ninja Note rewriting for all of next week. Hopefully it all comes together by labor day (Sept 4) for my final review or else I'm screwed.

    Though, it seems as if quite a few people in this thread were confident about their REG exam. I'm assuming that was due to you all being much more prepared that I will be heading into exam day.


    September 19th can't get here soon enough! I will be getting REG and AUD back and it could potentially be my last score release. September 19th could either be a really good day or an absolutely terrible day.

    It's hard to believe that in two weeks I could potentially be done studying for good! I'm having to force myself to quit daydreaming of what it will be like to actually enjoy football season this year, work out again, binge watch Netflix, spend time with my husband, and all the other things I've put on the back burner for the past year.


    @Allie: I'm in the same boat, only that REG will be my last test. Oh how I wish it were AUD instead. I'm saying my prayers and eating my vitamins in preparation for this Hail Mary I'm tossing with REG. Part of me is giddy due to the fact that when I leave the Prometric on September 10th I could potentially be DONE with these exams and get back to enjoying life to its fullest.


    @TurboSandwichCPA – I feel for you having REG as your last one! I actually like tax way better than auditing, but I have to say that REG was much more of a struggle to study for than AUD simply because of the amount of material to get through. It's been really nice having AUD as my last one. I can't say for sure until I take the exam, but it has definitely been the easiest to study for by far. Just buckle down these last couple weeks so you can hopefully put REG behind you for good!


    The buckling down has begun. I'm 60% through my review book [reading and highlighting only at this point (I know that's a huge no-no, haha)].

    Once I get through it this weekend, I'll have no other choice but to go ham sandwich on the MCQs. Will have to do at least 150 every day and 200 on the weekend to have a chance to get through all of them in 10 days. The last 4 days before the exam will be spent reviewing my NINJA Notes and MCQ notes.

    Hopefully that will be enough to get me that 76 I oh so desire for REG.


    Hahaha…so glad I read this. I was still under the impression scores were released 9/22.

    Time really should fly by. Gearing up for month end (is Friday seriously Sept?!?!) and going on vacation 9/8 with my FAR book.

    Waiting on my REG retake score. Hoping for a pass so I can take my time with FAR and pass before 4/30 and my BEC expires.

    Feeling a little like I need a small miracle. MCQs weren't so bad but left seeing how I may have left some points on the table when it comes to the SIMS. No one really knows though.

    Good luck to all those waiting and all those still studying to take!


    @TurboSandwichCPA If you're not too long out from school and kinda remember your tax class basics, it should be doable! Had several friends who were able to successfully cram REG in about 4 weeks of study while working full time as first year/second year staff.

    Do we have Q2 pass rates yet? Any idea when/if we'll see them soon?


    I'm still waiting on my score notification letter. Anyone else?

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Is it September 19th yet? This wait is going to be brutal.


    3 WEEKS!! 21 DAYS!! GL to everyone testing this week!

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