I don't quite know what you mean by “are you using your old NTS.” I don't use my NTS for anything on the site, I just log into the NASBA site and on my front page, it has all the scores and dates for the exams I have taken. It says “date received” and “most recent score,” but the reason I'm confused is because I JUST took the exam last week so I don't know how it's possible to have posted yet. Also, it's the same score as the last two times I took the exam, so it's not out of this world to me that I would score a 72 a third time. I'm just being extra anxious and hyper because this is potentialy my last wait for a score!!!
FAR: 84
BEC: 88
REG: 33 (winged it, bad plan), 77
AUD: 72 ,72, 81 FINALLY DONE!!!!!!
WI Ethics Exam Passed - 92!!!!
Licensed CPA in WI