CPA Exam Score Release Q1 2018

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    Stage 1/Exam Day: Leave test center feeling completely dejected, can't sleep due to literal calculation of all possible failure scenarios. Contemplate telling boss the test center had a freak attack by angry squirrels and exam opportunity was squandered.

    Stage 2/Next Day & Evening: Complete and total despair slowly morphs into confusion as the web browser opens and prep systems are not the automatic entry into the address bar. YouTube parties and perusing of news stories ignored for the past weeks commences.

    Stage 3/5 Days Past Exam: Undying optimism reaches through the fog to consume random moments countless times a day with the thought that the exam could actually have been passed, only to vacillate quickly with complete terror and anxiety since score release is still two. whole. weeks. away.

    Stage 4: TBD


    Yup, and nightmares roll in! 🙂 Good luck on February 6th to all those awaiting their scores!


    Man, I don't miss the anxiety of waiting for a score release. I never felt the same tension walking into the Prometric center for taking an exam as I did WAITING on the exam score AFTER taking it.

    Good luck to all of you. If I could go back and do it all over again, I wouldn't have spent so much time fretting over score release. It's a lot easier said than done, but just try to occupy your mind with other things until score release. Shoot, don't even look at the score right when it comes out. Just look at it whenever you need to, but maybe don't stay up all night.

    Again – easier said than done for sure. Good luck!


    @go for broke, for the FAR (failing) score release, I ended up not sleeping, first cause I was anxious to find out, and then because I was too upset to sleep. For this one (taking it on Feb 12th, so score release is 2/23) I am drinking heavily before bed because there is no way am I staying up for this:) LOL


    I'm waiting for my BEC score. Almost certain I passed and hoping for 90s to keep Elijah Watts potential alive. This seems like a dream wait after having to wait over 2 months for my FAR score. Unfortunately my next 2 exams will both have 2+ month waits if I take them when I plan to.


    anyatver: That was my exact same experience on the exact same night with the exact same exam.

    I was going to try and “forget” when it will be posted. You guys just ruined it by making me look.

    I'm counting down, I have 40 hours until I walk in that door…I think I jinxed it last time when I joked with the friendly Prometric staff that I hope this is the last I see them. They laughed, I guess they miss me!


    @anyatver you were spot on with Stage 4: in dreamland last night, I was arrested for driving a golf cart on grass (for real?) in a fancy FL subdivision, since I needed to make it home in a jiff to check scores. I hope Stage 5 is nicer. Thanks for your good juju and hope you're back at kickin' can today!

    @Go.For.Broke – Thanks for keeping real life in perspective, ha! I now have a post it on my monitor “Quit checking. It won't change.” I am going to go start doing 50 desk pushups every time I obsess tomorrow if I don't turn this ship around, lol.


    score release dates are funn


    I think if I have any more nightmares about this score release, I will resolve to just staying awake for the next week. O.o


    Sheesh…there is NO WAY I could have ever slept during a score release date. Typically the hyper-anxiety would kick in around 11…and I'd furiously do nothing while counting the next hour and 57 minutes down until descending into my office and beginning the next 20 minutes of hitting refresh.


    Good Luck Everyone. 2 more days to go


    Hope you all passed.


    Here's to hoping…


    @PianoCPA-I said the same thing to the prometric lady on my way out-lesson learned!!! 🙂 LOL


    Good luck to the fellow Feb 6 homies and happy studying to all of you who are gettin' after it today. Don't neglect practicing some self care – make sure to watch at least a little bit of the game and reward yourself with good food, a coldie and/or however else you boogie down. Cheers!

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