CPA 2014 Q4 Pass Rates

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    That's pretty funny, considering I passed 3 of my exams in Q4 lol!


    I'm part of the 42% Audit pass rate and I feel really fortunate to be in that group. I didn't think it was overly difficult but I knew that it has the lowest pass rate of all 4 portions.


    yeah, had I known NASBA was going to extend the window I would have crammed for AUD just to take it and get experience with it but I thought they weren't going to so I relaxed a little after BEC…hope it doesn't end up biting me in the butt


    Man I feel even more fortunate about my passing score on FAR after looking at that 45% pass rate!! I wonder if that means I would have actually been given a lower score in another quarter, but because of so many fails, all scores were raised a few points?

    MD Candidate: 10/1/14

    FAR - 87 (11/23/14)
    REG - 87 (1/30/15)
    BEC - 89 (4/19/15)
    AUD - 98 (5/30/15)

    Ethics - 100

    Experience - In Progress!

    Determined CPA

    That explains my FAR score

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    Does anyone think the pass rates drop because:

    1.) there are many people trying to squeeze in exams before busy season and they may not be properly prepared?

    2.) the AICPA is trying to keep a certain percentages in check?

    3.) by year end the AICPA figures out what the review programs are teaching and adjusts the exams to test different material?


    another reason completely?


    we know that the test is being graded in real time via computer, yet it can take up to a month to get your score. That says it all


    The pass rate always plummets in the fourth quarter. Same thing happened last year.


    4th quarter is probably when the final adjustments are made so the pass rate statistics are consistent from year to year. it would be bad for member salaries if the aicpa issued test had a high pass rate and there was an influx of cpas.


    For those who passed REG in 2014, I was wondering if the low passing rate in Q4 contributed by the insane simulation? Or REG sim is always insane no matter which quarter..

    REG - 80 (02/13/2015) Roger + Ninja Flash Card + Ninja MCQ + Becker's Note
    FAR - 84 (05/29/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Some Wiley book questions
    BEC - 77 (08/27/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions
    AUD - 87 (08/28/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions


    Reg sims for me were absolutely NUTTS.. so that could explain some of it.. luckily I passed.. I'm surprised that FAR dropped that low honestly.. The test I had seemed way easier than I thought it would be. Maybe I lucked out haha.

    BEC - 76 7/22/14
    AUD - 84 8/30/14
    REG - 75 10/16/14
    FAR - 87 11/24/14


    I just wonder if it's an industry thing. I can see a lot of people in Industry rushing through the material to take an exam in the 4th quarter because they know after the new year their study time will vanish as they go into the busy season. That would mean you have a lot more people taking the exam in the fourth quarter and a lot of those people aren't fully prepared. And since those people are now caught up in the busy season, quarter 1 and quarter 2 results skew a bit higher since the people taking the exam aren't, necessarily, in industry and can get a bit more prepared.

    Just a theory.


    wow surprised at far's pass rate


    I passed FAR & AUD in Q4 and man I feel grateful. That AUD passing rate is brutal.

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