Checking Score knowing its not there - Page 5

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  • #186010

    Anyone else checking for their score early because you have the power and the right? No pun intended (Reg takers) haha.

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes

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  • #623967

    the official date is June 9th and i dont know if you notice but there is disclaimer by NASBA that says:

    “Note: Some candidates who take the BEC section might receive their scores about one week following the target release date due to additional analysis that might be required for the written communication tasks. Scores are generally released during regular business hours”

    which means that it is frustrating for some of us who took BEC…




    BEC: 71,71, took it on 05-29-14 Waiting 🙁


    I took BEC on the 31st at 8:00 am. Should I get my score Friday?


    @CPA means Cant Pass Again, you are correct about the early release. I sat for FAR on 12/3 in the extended window and I believe scores were supposed to be released on December 20th, but came out on December 17th or 18th. It was awesome! Kind of unique though cause it was an extended window and they were only releasing scores from Dec. 1-6.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"


    @How many letters do you need

    Thanks for posting that. I checked my score super early and I totally freaked out when I didnt see that I got credit up top for my FAR exam. I was like ahh sh@t i didnt pass!!! but then I scrolled all the way down and saw that I passed. I jumped out of my bed!!!

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes

    Not a Quitter

    Just checked my score and surprise, surprise it's not there.

    FAR- 85 I'm DONE!
    BEC- 75
    REG- 60,60,75
    AUD- 74,74,83

    CPAExcel used for BEC, AUD, REG
    Exam Matrix used for FAR plus NINJA Blitz, cpareviewforfree and a little CPAExcel


    I check for my score twice a day LOL.

    My brain knows it won't be there but my heart just won't listen.


    “Also, I read a post where someone said they have a special way of looking, like they zoom in and slowing pan over so you see… “Advisory Score 7….” And have some additional torture/suspense.”


    Reminds me of Willie Mays Hayes on final cut day (Major League). Can't find a clip of the exact scene, but I hope you're all dancing on release day:

    B 92
    A 99
    R 90
    F 92

    Becker Self-Study

    OH CPA since 2/18/14


    I actually do something similar with my score… for FAR, I made the window small enough so that I could see that the “no score” message was gone, but not see my score yet. I peeked just enough at the first number of my score, and luckily it was an 8. If it was 7, I would have freaked out some more 🙂


    oh, I've been checking all week. I've used a different method of checking the score on each of my past 3 tests. The band-aid rip (maximize the window and get it all in one fell swoop), the slow roll (minimize the screen enough so I have to scroll down to see the score), and the side step (move across the screen from right to left so I see the second digit first). no idea what i'm gonna do for #4. probably go back to the band-aid method. it's how I came in and it's how I'm (HOPEFULLY…KNOCK ON WOOD) gonna go out.


    @AICzervik… i like your methods… but the one is use is the “heartattack technique”

    Which is I plug my Latptop to my 60″ HD-TV , plug the HDMI and use it as big screen… then i click the button and see your result in a big screen… lts not recommended though becasue it can give you a “heartattack”




    BEC: 71,71, took 05-29-14 waiting 🙁


    Wow you guys are giving me some great ideas on how to look for my score and you're all nuts at the same time….I love it!!

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes


    I am a chicken so I check for my score alone… I go downstairs early in the morning, login the CBA website. Click the status tab and I keep my eyes ….I scroll down and then slowly open my eye to see if my score is there or not.

    Before I open my eyes i say a prayer too


    one more day …

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee


    Yes I ma checking the score at least twice a day 🙂

    FAR - 89
    AUD - 84
    BEC - 84
    REG - 49, 86
    ETHICS - 96........ DONE!!!


    This is so silly but so true – btw @StephAV, I totally did the zoom / pan thing for my first score release!

    FAR - 02/24/14 - 86
    AUD - 04/03/14 - 88
    REG - 05/29/14 - 68 Retook 11/22/14 - 81 I PASSED!!!!!!!!! IM DONE! Thank You Jesus!
    BEC - 07/19/14 - 85

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