CPA Exam Score Release Q3 2014 (Indie States) - Page 8

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  • #608858

    Reg 82…. Phewwww.

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    Come on ILBOA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IL is the last state to release grades or what…. :(:( 🙁


    Seriously! Is any other state waiting for their scores?


    Oklahoma is still waiting:)

    AUDIT - 79
    FAR - 64, 77
    BEC - 69, 71,79 - DONE!
    REG - 60, 75

    Nothing in the 80s ; however, I worked full time the whole time! (like 10 hour days) so it can be done 🙂


    Well at least I am not feeling totally left out then 🙂 Any idea @funtimesNOT when you will receive your score?


    Yes, more than likely (because I have been through this a few times) Midmonday….. but maybe sooner for you! Oklahoma's CPA test takers are always the last state to receive their scores!! I kind of can tell this, because on Monday you will see the last few people on these threads going “come on oklahoma..” lol

    AUDIT - 79
    FAR - 64, 77
    BEC - 69, 71,79 - DONE!
    REG - 60, 75

    Nothing in the 80s ; however, I worked full time the whole time! (like 10 hour days) so it can be done 🙂


    CA Candidate: BEC – 83!!! Halfway to a CPA! No scores posted up top though yet


    OMG, 78 on BEC in CA. Halfway done. Finally making progress!

    Congrats to everyone who passed! And to those who didn't, never give up!

    BEC - July 2014
    REG - Aug 2014
    FAR - January 2015
    AUD - May 2014
    Ethics - 3x...


    Come on Illinois. Don't make me keep suffering.



    I just went to my OAB online page. I know we won't get them until Monday, but I always check on Sat, can't help myself. Anyway, all of my scores are gone, both the prior passes and fails.

    Have you checked yours, or will you?


    The Illinois Board isn't even open today I highly doubt they will post scores.


    I don't think IL will post today either, but they have posted on a Sunday evening before so anything is possible.


    My friend just got her FAR IL posted

    FAR - 84
    BEC - 80
    REG - 81
    AUD - 85


    @ancel YES this happened to me also. I noticed this before your post also! I was thinking, “maybe they are posting the scores” then I was thinking it was funny that I noticed the smallest change in the website! I am glad I was not the only one that noticed this change! As of right now, I can not access anything!

    AUDIT - 79
    FAR - 64, 77
    BEC - 69, 71,79 - DONE!
    REG - 60, 75

    Nothing in the 80s ; however, I worked full time the whole time! (like 10 hour days) so it can be done 🙂


    @ancel YES this happened to me also. I noticed this before your post also! I was thinking, “maybe they are posting the scores” then I was thinking it was funny that I noticed the smallest change in the website! I am glad I was not the only one that noticed this change! As of right now, I can not access anything!

    AUDIT - 79
    FAR - 64, 77
    BEC - 69, 71,79 - DONE!
    REG - 60, 75

    Nothing in the 80s ; however, I worked full time the whole time! (like 10 hour days) so it can be done 🙂

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