Ok I took BEC Friday 8/15. Man should have done it day earlier. Had very limited review time since I was sick but I couldn't reschedule because the NTS expires this week. So, not being prepared as I felt I should, I felt I retained more than I thought.
So moving forward, I am nervous, feel defeat so– I go online to try to reapply to jump the gun, and BEC is not an option at all to do rexamination app.
Question: Does this mean, something is wrong? Is there a loophole if it isn't available I might have passed, or what?
I know I cannot take it again in the same Q section, so could that just mean that? Someone responded to this, I think they are right. Is there a way to know I passed besides waiting.. tee hee hee
If I pass, Only FAR left. I have to be finish my 11/3 to not lose Auditing.
B Waiting
A 76 -Ex. November 2014
R 60, 68, 76
Yeager, Ninja Flash, Becker, Wiley Test Bank.