CPA Exam Score Release Q3 2014 (Indie States) - Page 14

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    Another 74, this time for REG =(. Need to pass AUD soon, and capitalize on one more chance before FAR credit expires,


    PASS FAR! yeah!!!!!!!!

    AUDIT - 79
    FAR - 64, 77
    BEC - 69, 71,79 - DONE!
    REG - 60, 75

    Nothing in the 80s ; however, I worked full time the whole time! (like 10 hour days) so it can be done 🙂


    @HP-yes, the questions are different. They are worded more confusing, but they make you think through the concepts. I learned so much more using Ninja than I did using Wiley. I got a 69 with Wiley on Audit. Hopefully I can get the same point boost with Ninja for Audit that I got for BEC and finally be done with this monster!!!!

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Awesome! I definitely going to do it. Did you do the 10 point combo, or can you just but the MCQ's? Good luck on AUD. I am studying for FAR hoping it was going to be my last one. I am really having trouble getting motivated now though!

    AUD - 88
    REG - 63, 77
    BEC - 74, 73, 85
    FAR - 70, 73, 84

    OK Candidate

    Ethics Passed


    I did not buy the 10 point combo, but my study partner did. I used the audio and the notes my first time with BEC, but my second time, I just did the MCQ's. I just purchased the MCQ's. The way I study, is I do one chapter at a time and do ALL of the questions once through and redo the ones I “missed last seen” until I get all of them correct. Then, as I add chapters, once I finish doing that routine with a chapter, I'll do a “progress test” (from my Becker days of studying for FAR) of those chapters. I add a chapter every few days and keep doing progress tests until I'm doing an average of 10 questions per chapter. So, for Audit, I'm about to finish up chapter 4's questions today. Once I see all of them and answer all of them correctly, I will do 40 questions total that covers chapters 1-4. Does that make sense?

    FAR 82
    REG 76
    BEC 71, 78 (There is a light!!!)
    AUD 69, 83 (DONE!!!!)


    Fellow Illinois CPA testers, when do you think we will receive the next wave of scores? I am hopeful for the 22nd. AICPA calendar shows the release date to be Aug 22nd. Which means NASBA states will get their scores Aug 21st and ILBOA will hopefully post scores the following day – 8/22. I took my exam 2 weeks ago and this has been the LONGEST wait for me out of all the exams I have taken thus far. I need to know if I have to start to re-study.

    FAR- PASSED (11/13)
    REG- PASSED (2/14)
    BEC- PASSED (5/14)
    AUD- PASSED (8/14)

    If it's important to you, you will find a way. If it isn't, you will find an excuse.


    @mjp44 I am hoping for the 22nd as well. That is what I am expecting for and keep telling myself. I hope the 22nd hurry ups and gets here already!


    Day 1 of this week down, 3 more days to go (assuming CA is released Friday!)… Crossing my fingers and trying to occupy my time, but I can't stop thinking about it!

    B: 83 (10/31/14)
    A: 74 (1/21/14), 83 (4/14)
    R: 82 (8/14)
    F: 80 (10/16/13)


    Driving me crazy!




    Reg- fingers crossed.

    come on 22!


    Ok I took BEC Friday 8/15. Man should have done it day earlier. Had very limited review time since I was sick but I couldn't reschedule because the NTS expires this week. So, not being prepared as I felt I should, I felt I retained more than I thought.

    So moving forward, I am nervous, feel defeat so– I go online to try to reapply to jump the gun, and BEC is not an option at all to do rexamination app.

    Question: Does this mean, something is wrong? Is there a loophole if it isn't available I might have passed, or what?

    I know I cannot take it again in the same Q section, so could that just mean that? Someone responded to this, I think they are right. Is there a way to know I passed besides waiting.. tee hee hee

    If I pass, Only FAR left. I have to be finish my 11/3 to not lose Auditing.

    B Waiting
    A 76 -Ex. November 2014
    R 60, 68, 76
    F TBD

    Yeager, Ninja Flash, Becker, Wiley Test Bank.


    Hey ms bond. It doesn't mean anything. You can't reapply to take a section until your score is officially released. The state boards of accountancy get your scores around the same time we do.


    Aw man! I just went further back in this post- and it looks like CA scores should post Saturday at 6am. Does anyone know? I thought they were going to post on Friday 🙁

    B: 83 (10/31/14)
    A: 74 (1/21/14), 83 (4/14)
    R: 82 (8/14)
    F: 80 (10/16/13)


    Hey Sharasta, I think you misread. From what I gather CA will release one day after NASBA kids get their scores. According to Ninja they should get theirs on Thursday, putting you in on Friday. Maybe I am incorrect, but this is what i understood.

    Which one are you waiting on?


    Hi @jcarrick! That was my original thought process, but then I convinced myself it was 1 day after the AICPA release date. AICPA claims they will release on Friday and Ninja estimates that the actual release will occur one business day before, which would be Thursday. So I didn't know which date to apply the “one day after NASBA” rule.

    …Clearly I am thinking about this way too hard lol Anyway, hoping it is Friday! I am waiting on Reg.

    B: 83 (10/31/14)
    A: 74 (1/21/14), 83 (4/14)
    R: 82 (8/14)
    F: 80 (10/16/13)


    I wish just once that Oklahoma would post scores the same day AICPA releases them!

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