@Kach, don't give up! You can do it. I had my fair share with BEC as well. I took this 5 good times, scoring 66, 71, 72, 73, finally 82! Trust me, I know the pain. BEC for me was the most difficult as I barely put time into AUD and REG and passed on first attempts. Granted, they were what people would consider low scores but I am an auditor and I constantly travel and barely have time to study.
Also, remember that in the past, people have underestimated how difficult BEC actually is. I believe the new changes in 2017 made it more difficult so do not let this section get you down. It is DIFFICULT. If I can do it, so can you.
That being said, if you are using NINJA, the audio really helped me. As I stated early, I am constantly traveling so the audio was a life saver for me. Just download NINJA audio unto your phone and listen to it over and over. Also, do a lot of MCQs. Good luck!!