BEC – There are no scores to display for this section - Page 3

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  • #194605

    Does this mean I’m on the bubble?

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's

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  • #671868

    So, how often should we check the website? From here on out does CA just post randomly, or do they continue to update just once a day? In other words, should I be obsessively checking every hour, or can I just wait until tomorrow, etc?

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    @simo.kerrout So I guess there is such thing as bubble..

    I thought I really bombed the exam, but I'm happy I'm part of the bubble.

    Please please please God.. Best of luck to all of us!


    i just spoke to NASBA about this issue because i need to find out and i really don't care at point of time. I just need to plan for whats next, anyway, their website has more useful info than them live… but one point she seemed to be sure about is it could take up to one week. i feel like it's a another whole process that our exams are going through so a week sounds logical. 7 more days of not knowing exactly how to proceed…

    FAR 75 July 14
    Audit 68-82 Feb 15
    BEC 77 May 15 " bubbled"
    REG 74 retake 10/29/15 83

    if you want it bad, you get it done.


    There is no need to call NASBA, you have to wait until they have the score ready and it will take longer because of the bubble….

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    I'm from CA and there is no score yet! my status says “score pending”. What does W mean?

    I'm with you guys, so frustrated….


    Golfball– you got it boss. i am just gonna lay low 😉

    FAR 75 July 14
    Audit 68-82 Feb 15
    BEC 77 May 15 " bubbled"
    REG 74 retake 10/29/15 83

    if you want it bad, you get it done.


    @karenmai are you talking about the status on or somewhere else?

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 8/10/2015
    FAR - October 2015
    REG - November 2015

    Becker 2014
    Full time tax staff in public


    @plkieffer: I read somewhere people says their status is W; but mine is “score pending”. I'm not really sure or i'm just confused what something else -.-


    @plkieffer: I read somewhere people says their status is W; but mine is “score pending”. I'm not really sure or i'm just confused what something else -.-


    @karenmai are you refering to the user dashboard on Mine says “Attendance” but nothing else. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! This is killer! I haven't gotten anything done at work today!

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 8/10/2015
    FAR - October 2015
    REG - November 2015

    Becker 2014
    Full time tax staff in public


    I just checked the “Application Status” section of, and it says “An attendance record for one or more section has been received” and has a “Status Date” of 6/2/2015. I was hoping my info had been sent by 6/1…….. I suppose I will stop checking religiously and assume that I am more than likely in the June 18th release window.

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 8/10/2015
    FAR - October 2015
    REG - November 2015

    Becker 2014
    Full time tax staff in public


    status update doesn't mean anything – from what I learned is that data is transmitted when you click submit. 99.999999 percent of the time it will be there that day

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    @golfball7773 Shoot! Guess I'll keep checking then!

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 8/10/2015
    FAR - October 2015
    REG - November 2015

    Becker 2014
    Full time tax staff in public


    Bubble? So you're saying there's a chance?


    attendance means nothing as it's showing under both sections BEC and REG although i have not yet taken REG

    FAR 75 July 14
    Audit 68-82 Feb 15
    BEC 77 May 15 " bubbled"
    REG 74 retake 10/29/15 83

    if you want it bad, you get it done.

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