Q2 CPA Exam Score Release (NASBA States) - Page 58

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    My first release was the last time they didn't use the clock. I think the server kept crashing because people were checking throughout the day, so they decided to go with the clock. Now it only crashes when everyone logs on at midnight..

    Far 89
    Aud 86
    Reg 91
    Bec 89


    Yes I suspected they might have gotten tired of the server crashing while they were still trying to upload scores. So I can appreciate that they want everyone to wait until they are finished. But still….14 more hours? No way. They were always done by 1 pm cst before. That's just cruel to make everyone wait until midnight lol

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 84
    REG - 65/Finding out today!!


    Cruelty is what NASBA does best.

    NASBA's the Tyson Chicken of humans.


    I checked the site twice before the clock was up and I've gone to check that the clock is still there at least 5 times (as if it was going to change!)… Not a lot of work getting done today. I wish I could trick myself to forget about it for awhile!

    BEC - 79
    REG - 84
    AUD - 80
    FAR - 87


    Me too. I even logged into CPA Central dashboard to see if my score was there, even though those don't get updated for a day or two post score release.

    I'm joining the ranks of those who will get nothing done at work today, and I plan on taking tomorrow off to either cry all day or take ethics. Hoping for the latter. REAAAALLLY hoping for the latter. Never wanted to take a test so bad in my life.


    did anyone notice it says “Your scores will not be available here, or at CPA Central, until Wednesday June 9th 1am EST. Please check back then to get your scores.”

    June 9th is Tuesday.


    Sounds about right, JM. Tomorrow very early morning/late tonight.


    Yes @jm962011. Makes me glad we moved to Colorado so I can check them at 11pm 😀

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 84
    REG - 65/Finding out today!!


    @JM they tend to typo the message with incorrect dates all the time (at least the score releases i've waited for).

    Obviously whoever updates it hasn't passed BEC yet.

    BEC - PASS JULY 2014
    FAR - PASS DEC 2014
    AUD - PASS FEB 2015
    REG - PASS MAY 2015


    I sat for my first exam (FAR) on 5/19. This wait is killing me. This is probably a dumb quesiton, but the only place to get your score is on the dashboard of CPA Central, correct?

    FAR - 93
    AUD - 96
    REG - 83
    BEC - 86


    Must just be a typo that it says Wednesday instead of Tuesday.

    FAR - Aug '14 - 90
    AUD - Jan '15 - 91
    REG - May '15 - 93
    BEC - July '15 - 85

    Used CPAexcel exclusively
    Master of Science in Accounting (focus in Tax) May '15


    @JBach – No, here's the link (to the clock of doom for now) https://ncd.nasba.org/gwprdv2/servlet/hgwcs01

    B - 80
    A - 80
    R - 71, 59, 74, 80 FINALLY!
    F - 77

    Used Kaplan for FAR, BEC, AUD, and the first 2 REG attempts. I started using NINJA about 2 weeks before my 3rd REG attempt. I believe it's why I was so close to passing and why I passed the 4th time. USE IT FROM THE BEGINNING.


    There I go missing the details again. Yes, it must be a typo. Anyone else notice the practice exams they give you cite the wrong answer for the research SIM? This is true at least for FAR and REG.

    MichelleBixby, is this your last chance to get licensed in CO as well or do you meet the new requirements?


    jbach, there are other places to get your score (you should get an email, and nasba cpa central will show your score), but the link to the clock of doom will update days ahead of those. Your “advisory score” shown on that page is your final score.


    No I started my license in Texas. And they're super cruel about their requirements…which is why I'm actually sitting in Georgia. I'll just have to move my license into Colorado once I finally have it. Are you talking about the 150 hour requirements? Weren't there grandfather rules?

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 84
    REG - 65/Finding out today!!

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