Q2 CPA Exam Score Release (NASBA States) - Page 49

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    When I took my BEC exam I took it at the end of the window and I got my score on the release date.

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)


    I took BEC on 5/30. I usually pass when I feel neutral, and fail when I feel super-confident or super-worried. This time, I feel on the confident side of neutral.

    I also want to apologize on this public forum. The guy who signed in right before me (Nick maybe?) was taking his CPA as well. I asked what section, and he replied with REG. My great response? “Oh, I've failed that one twice.” What was I thinking??? I probably completely freaked him. So, “Nick,” if you're on here, I am SOOOOOO sorry. I'm sure you were well-prepared, and I should've kept my big mouth shut.

    Good luck to everyone waiting. I picked this date based on the short turn-around time, and still a week and a half feels like forever.

    B - 80
    A - 80
    R - 71, 59, 74, 80 FINALLY!
    F - 77

    Used Kaplan for FAR, BEC, AUD, and the first 2 REG attempts. I started using NINJA about 2 weeks before my 3rd REG attempt. I believe it's why I was so close to passing and why I passed the 4th time. USE IT FROM THE BEGINNING.


    aj, don't feel bad. EVERYONE knows how hard these tests are and frankly, sometimes, I think it's BS that the CPA exam has a greater failure rate than the MCAT and BAR exams.

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)



    Thank you for your reply! It gives me hope that the same will happen to me 🙂


    I do not know how to feel about my score. It is hard to say for AUD since a human person does not actually look at the exams and there all computer graded! I just pray pray for a 75!



    I feel ya!!! All I need is a 75 and I'm done with the studying and the highlighting and the highlighting!!!!

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)


    Winter is coming!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Passing my first section, AUD, was the best feeling in the world. I went from being sick, miserable, and very weak to literally running and screaming in laps around the office. I expected passing FAR would be just as good, but I was surprised that it didn't come close. Sure, I was ecstatic and bouncing off the walls, but not to the extent as with AUD, probably because AUD was the first section and I didn't think I was capable of passing any portion of the CPA. However, for FAR, my back was frozen in horrible pain which kept me up all night, and that pain and tightness all but disappeared the moment I got my score. BEC I wasn't very worried about (although it turned out to be my worst to that point) but was very happy when I passed. I expect passing REG would feel even better than passing AUD. I really hope I get to find out how good it feels next Tuesday!


    This waiting game sucks!!!!!!!

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)


    Yes it does!!!!


    Especially when we are waiting on our last part

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)


    Waiting on AUD here too!! Every wait has been horrible…but this one has to be the worst! C'mon 75! Let's get this show over with!

    BEC - 74, 79
    FAR - 68, 82
    REG - 75
    AUD - 82


    I cried when I passed FAR. I also thought I wouldn't ever pass any of the sections so to pass the first one I took and the ‘hardest'. I was so happy.

    FAR - Pass
    AUD - Pass
    REG - Pass
    BEC - May 2015


    I'm thinking whether I pass or fail, I'll have a flask of SOMETHING in my desk at the office!!

    It'll be refund season all over again in my office!!

    REG: 83 (expired, not scheduled)
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 76
    AUD: 74 (rematch not scheduled)


    Has anyone ever gotten their score before the target date?

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