Am I out of the running for Watt Sells?

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  • #159131

    I’ve currently sat for and passed two parts of the exam. After receiving my first score of 99 on REG, I went crazy studying for FAR in hopes of one day winning a Watt Sells award. I just found out I passed with a 95, and was wondering if I would still be in contention for the Watt Sells award.

    I know that many past winners have had 99’s on REG, FAR, and AUD. From what i’ve seen from BEC, the max score is 94. I’m taking BEC soon, and was wondering if I should keep up with the rigorous study schedule or if I should relax a bit.

    Disclaimer: I’m not starting this thread to brag on the internet. Part of me wishes I scored lower on FAR, so I would know for sure that I was out of the running.


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  • #256671

    That's awesome!


    Without reading any of the articles posted, I think I remember that in order to qualify, you have to have completed all four exams in two windows. So I wouldn't qualify because I took my tests in April, July, August, and October, three windows.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    And because you need an average WELL above 93…



    I'm not sure why the need to win the award… if it happens, it happens. The biggest benefit tends to be for those who work at Big Four who are generally eligible for up to $25,000 bonuses if they are a top award winner. That's a nice bonus (on top of your compensation, bonuses, etc., etc.)

    After my 97 in REG, I decided to “tone down” the studying a bit. I've been satisfied since then, and have had a “bit” more of a life.

    REG - 97
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 86
    AUD - 96 ... DONE!


    My scores don't completely correlate with the efforts I put into studying. But I definitely had less time to study BEC…

    Whitesoxfan, I see you missed the 93 mark too, hah. Good job on finishing though.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Congrats to potatogun and whitesoxfan, you are done with this exam. Meanwhile, I have REG for 2011 (My last one)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85



    Nice job to you as well. I think I said it in another thread but who knows where it is. I was hoping for a 93 (to keep my pattern going) or a 75 (so I could say I studied just the right amount), but I'm obviously happy with my 88.

    Herbert, I'm looking forward to seeing you post that you're done in a few months. It's cool to see some of the regulars here post their success stories.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    lol dang I guess I'm out of the running too then since my average IS 94. LOL. After my 99 on AUD I had brief visions of 2 more 99's and then I took BEC and those visions kinda went “poof”. That exam is nutso man!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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